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Author: WatchingTheHerd HONORARY
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Number: of 41488 
Subject: Re: Judge Approves Smith's 180 Page Filing
Date: 09/25/2024 9:41 AM
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I'd think it could take a few weeks for Judge Chutkan to review over 180 plus pages of dense legalese, but presumably she has a full staff to help out.


This is part of the challenge that Jack Smith's team had to address by rewriting the indictment. If time was NOT of the essence, he could just start over, rewrite the whole thing and let the judge start over, review the whole thing and determine if she thinks there are still any charges or evidence that would gain immunity that she has to toss.

Since Smith is interested in getting at least the basic information out, it is up to him to make it as easy as possible for the judge to "find the deltas" between the original indictment and trial plan and the revised indictment and trial plan. On one hand, she was already well aquainted with the original indictment but the trial had never reached the point where the prosecution laid out its full case as it would be presented in court so there definitely IS a layer of detail that will be brand new. It is in Smith's interest to ensure this new document (some sources say 180 pages, others say 200+) is as easy to digest as possible to ensure this information reaches the public ASAP. All without publicly tipping his hand regarding indictments to come later that might trigger witness tampering by Trump.

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