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Stocks A to Z / Stocks B / Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A)
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Author: Mark 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 12641 
Subject: Re: OXY/SIRI
Date: 12/16/2024 4:45 PM
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Any takers? Both companies are hovering around 52-week lows. Siri yields nearly 4.5%.
With Buffett in around $60/share OXY would seem like a good buy assuming Mr. Buffett didn't get this one wrong:)

Well, I'll probably be buying some more OXY at 47 over the weekend. I sold some 47 puts a while back. I've been selling puts almost every month for over a year now, sometimes they expire worthless and sometimes they get exercised and assigned to me. Overall, I'm [obviously] down on the trade, but still hopeful that OXY will one day prove to be a good investment.

SIRI? Not sure what Ted's thesis is with this one but it's in my too hard pile.

I don't get this one either. It seems to be a cash cow with flat to declining business. Also seems to be some management turmoil recently.

It would be nice to ask about investments like these at the annual meeting but apparently that's against the rules which seems sort of crazy.

It's not so crazy considering that choosing investments is a big part of their internal business actions. Asking Berkshire execs about specific investments would be like asking the Ford CEO why they chose Pektron to supply their dashboards.
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