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Stocks A to Z / Stocks B / Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A)
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Author: Captkerosene   😊 😞
Number: of 12536 
Subject: Re: Time to Switch - update
Date: 11/11/2023 1:23 PM
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This would be a good time to start a bet with the board. My portfolio against BRK. David against Goliath.

Call it Bitcoin (GBTC), Brookfield (BAM) and Tesla (TSLA) against BRK/A.

All of them could be argued are in the mid-range of recent valuations. (In the past, this board has been good at pointing out when BTC and TSLA are in the midst of excessive exuberance. Good calls.) Right now, I would say with both GBTC and TSLA at roughly twice their recent lows and half their all-time highs that's no longer the case. BAM and BRK are off their highs too.

TSLA: 215
GBTC: 30
BAM: 31
BRK: 530,000

I don't do decimals.

I think these stocks are appropriate because I own them, but more importantly, they represent an anti-BRK portfolio. (I am far from being anti-BRK.) Also, BTC and AI(TSLA) have been recently criticized by Munger. And, BAM is a pure asset manager - similar to BRK's model in many ways ... it's a competitor.

I don't want to start a new conversation about these investments. It IS the BRK board and GBTC and TSLA do not fit into what has been a very good investing methodology for the last century. Value investing clearly works. But, this board needs the occassional antagonist to keep your creaky old bones moving and a little stimulation to try and preserve what little neuroplasticity you have left.:)

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