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Author: JohnIII   😊 😞
Number: of 12532 
Subject: BRK buying INTC?
Date: 01/17/2025 1:22 PM
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Probably not. But it would be an elephant, for sure. Market cap around $90B.

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Author: DTB   😊 😞
Number: of 12532 
Subject: Re: BRK buying INTC?
Date: 01/17/2025 2:03 PM
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Probably not. But it would be an elephant, for sure. Market cap around $90B.

Berkshire only likes elephants that are healthy and that have more than a few years left to live. Blind toothless elephants on their knees, wounded by packs of hyenas surrounding them, are not attractive, no matter how big they are.
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Author: JohnIII   😊 😞
Number: of 12532 
Subject: Re: BRK buying INTC?
Date: 01/17/2025 2:43 PM
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Berkshire only likes elephants that are healthy and that have more than a few years left to live. Blind toothless elephants on their knees, wounded by packs of hyenas surrounding them, are not attractive, no matter how big they are.

Tell us how you *really* feel about INTC :)
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Author: Calguy489   😊 😞
Number: of 12532 
Subject: Re: BRK buying INTC?
Date: 01/17/2025 3:14 PM
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Wasn't Buffett given an opportunity to buy shares in the 1970's and he said he didn't know how to value the company then ? Now some people think there's a good chance he could buy it now when it's on it's dying knees? People, sometimes we should just let the rumors pass without trying to make them seem legit.
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Author: Munger_Disciple   😊 😞
Number: of 12532 
Subject: Re: BRK buying INTC?
Date: 01/17/2025 6:12 PM
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There is 0% probability that BRK buys INTC.
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Author: AdrianC   😊 😞
Number: of 12532 
Subject: Re: BRK buying INTC?
Date: 01/17/2025 6:16 PM
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“ Wasn't Buffett given an opportunity to buy shares in the 1970's and he said he didn't know how to value the company then ? Now some people think there's a good chance he could buy it now when it's on it's dying knees? People, sometimes we should just let the rumors pass without trying to make them seem legit.”

Apple too?

Buffett bought TSC a while back and sold it quickly. Speculation was he got worried about China.

What happens at Intel if China takes Taiwan? Opportunities?
Has the recent talk of taking Panama/Greenland/Canada made this more likely?

Not that I think Berkshire would buy Intel outright. No way. But Intel shares…maybe?
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Author: oldmarket   😊 😞
Number: of 12532 
Subject: Re: BRK buying INTC?
Date: 01/17/2025 8:19 PM
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<<Berkshire only likes elephants that are healthy and that have more than a few years left to live. Blind toothless elephants on their knees, wounded by packs of hyenas surrounding them, are not attractive, no matter how big they are.>>

WEB realizes that Only The Paranoid Survive.
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Author: Kahuna   😊 😞
Number: of 12532 
Subject: Re: BRK buying INTC?
Date: 01/18/2025 7:44 AM
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… I recall reading that “turnarounds rarely do” or words to that effect. INTC doesn’t check any of the boxes that would have Berkshire want to look in that direction.
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Author: sleepydragon   😊 😞
Number: of 12532 
Subject: Re: BRK buying INTC?
Date: 01/18/2025 9:08 AM
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All these capx spending on AIs , chips etc, only means one thing to me: huge need of more electricity.

I think i read TSM use 50+%of taiwan’s total electricity . When there was an earthquake and taiwan is short of electricity, they gave priority to TSM.
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