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Stocks A to Z / Stocks B / Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A)
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Author: Mark19   😊 😞
Number: of 12641 
Subject: Ot exchanging investment tech.
Date: 09/29/2023 11:26 PM
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No. of Recommendations: 6
This is how I invest. My basic strategy is to use a bunch of techniques that all have a decent chance of beating the market. I like to think I have done well, but I have not calculated my actual results.

This is what I do. I subscribe to the following newsletters. Morningstar stock investor, Nates Notes, contrarian outlook, cdx3, and asset camp. I also look at the stocks that SauI's board buys. I also own some straight index funds, plus some ETFs that have beaten the market over the last 5 ' 10 years. Syld, cowz, calf, dfis, omfl, spgp, and moat.

Asset Camp is a little different than the others. It looks at broad asset classes, and gives you the 10 year earnings growth rate, the dividend yield, the stock appreciation, changes in the currency, and the current p/e. That way, you can tell what growth is from earnings and dividends, and what is from p/e expansion. It also tells you the next forecasted 10 year growth rate. That way you can tell what asset class is undervalued.

I wonder what you think of my strategies, and what your strategies are.

This way we can learn from each other.

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