No. of Recommendations: 6
Umm: That is the thing. Overcoming ignorance is only something you can do. No one can do it for you.
That flies in the face of everything I know about knowledge, which is sorta the opposite of ignorance. Knowledge is 99.999999999% a product of humans working together. The ability to gain knowledge is possibly the greatest driver of humans even getting language in the first place, with language being perhaps humans' most stellar ability!
If you want to overcome ignorance, read/listen and think! One of the most powerful things I believe I learned in what has turned out to be a superb eduction (through no fault of mine, I just got lucky) is that when you have listened to and analyzed enough smart stuff, you start being able to tell the difference between smart stuff and stupid stuff. So just do it a lot, ask a lot of questions, don't listen to people who tell you to shut up or that you can't learn. Speak in a way to people who seem smart and/or knowledgable that keeps them wanting to speak to you, just doing this will make you less ignorant.
I don't know what point Umm was trying to make, but to be sure, his statement was not made because it was the best, truest, way to describe the world. And that is something very worth learning: essentially no political pronouncements are made because they are true. They are made to move people to action. Some of them might be true, and some of the action people are moved towards might be useful, but that is just a lucky coincidence when it happens.