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Author: commonone โœธ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ HONORARY
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Number: of 41632 
Subject: Trump's Signaling: No More Debates
Date: 09/11/2024 3:37 PM
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DonOld went crying to Fox & Friends this morning, saying that ABC News should have its license cancelled and be pulled off the air. But they also discussed her challenge to him of a second debate in October. Trump said he would never debate with Bret Baier or Martha MacCallum as moderators but would consider Sean Hannity, Jesse Watters or Laura Ingraham instead.

Well, yeah, that seems fair. One Trump campaign adviser and two Trump shills.

But then he said โ€œWhen you win the debate, I donโ€™t, I donโ€™t know that I want to do another debate.โ€

We'll see. There's nothing Trump hates more than being laughed at and there's plenty of laughter today. But if there's no rematch, it'll be because Trump chickened out.

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