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Halls of Shrewd'm / US Policy
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Author: Dope1   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: New sanctions on Russia
Date: 03/13/2025 8:56 PM
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ivoting. The date was before the inauguration,

Fail. If Biden was such a badass on Putin, why'd he wait until <2 weeks before leaving to do this? No, Trump told him he was going to pull this trigger.

He conceded pretty much all that Putin wanted before they even sat down.

Do you understand how diplomacy works? Like, at all? The only people who seriously think the Ukraine is joining NATO are Zelensky and you guys. They're not. Never were.

Z's front is about to collapse around Kursk because Putin has more dudes, more guns and more money to throw into the meat grinder. Under the left's brilliant strategery, Ukraine loses on the battlefield and then Putin gets a lot more than he has now.

Let's not allow that, shall we?

I enlisted in the Navy to oppose the Soviets. Good for you. Same reason I joined ROTC back in the day.

Now we're like a guard dog that wags its tail while the robbers crawl through an open window. When I had enlisted, we would have torn his face off. And then wagged our tails.

Oh? Then why didn't Biden Tear Putin's face off? Why didn't Obama? Your statements and posture don't jive with what either of those two Presidents actually did (which was...nothing).

Fortunately, Europe is showing signs of increasing their aid.

Sure about that?

So Ukraine can try to repel their invaders for as long as they have the will.

The "Will" is only part of it. They lack the dudes, the guns and the money to fight indefinitely. Why won't you accept that?
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