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Author: Sals-Dad   😊 😞
Number: of 12641 
Subject: AR: Gates
Date: 02/22/2025 3:52 PM
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No. of Recommendations: 19
There was discussion a while back about Bill Gates. His wife, biggest donor, best friend, board colleagues (and probably the family dog too) had supposedly all cut him loose, over alleged moral lapses. Such nasty dirt must arise from the foul imaginations of cranks and internet trolls, right?

But... there was the nagging doubt - could it be true?

- - Lose a shred of reputation ... and I will be ruthless.
- - Praise by name, criticize by category.

If Warren knew, or suspected, bad behavior by a peer, I would expect a very very cold silence. A shunning. For a couple years, I watched for some indication, either positive or negative...crickets. My doubts grew.

So today's letter brought a small surprise. A gratuitous compliment:

Look at my friend, Bill Gates, who decided that it was far more important to get underway in an exploding industry that would change the world than it was to stick around for a parchment that he could hang on the wall. (Read his new book, Source Code.)

This short mention will never satisfy the conspiracy folks, but I find it convincing.

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Author: CrankyCharlie   😊 😞
Number: of 12641 
Subject: Re: AR: Gates
Date: 02/22/2025 5:49 PM
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No. of Recommendations: 2

What is the conspiracy?

Did he not resign from the boards of BRK and MSFT abruptly or is that a conspiracy?
Did Melinda not divorce him site his ties to Epstein or is that a conspiracy?
Did Gates not "meet" with Epstein numerous times or was that a conspiracy?
Does Gates not have ties to Fauci or is that a conspiracy?

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Author: Umm 🐝🐝 HONORARY
  😊 😞

Number: of 12641 
Subject: Re: AR: Gates
Date: 02/23/2025 3:16 AM
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No. of Recommendations: 22

What is the conspiracy?

Did he not resign from the boards of BRK and MSFT abruptly or is that a conspiracy?
Did Melinda not divorce him site his ties to Epstein or is that a conspiracy?
Did Gates not "meet" with Epstein numerous times or was that a conspiracy?
Does Gates not have ties to Fauci or is that a conspiracy?

I know this is likely not to get through because you are too far gone, but I am hopeful that there is a longshot......

The conspiracy isn't that those things happened or didn't happen.

It is that you are reading too much into them.
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Author: CrankyCharlie   😊 😞
Number: of 12641 
Subject: Re: AR: Gates
Date: 02/23/2025 7:05 AM
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Too far gone?

We will just file this away for a later date
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Author: Banksy 🐝🐝🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 12641 
Subject: Re: AR: Gates
Date: 02/23/2025 8:28 AM
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No. of Recommendations: 28
Did he not resign from the boards of BRK and MSFT abruptly or is that a conspiracy?
Did Melinda not divorce him site his ties to Epstein or is that a conspiracy?
Did Gates not "meet" with Epstein numerous times or was that a conspiracy?
Does Gates not have ties to Fauci or is that a conspiracy?

Apologies to the board...

Why the raving fixation on Warren and Bill? Haven't you heard about this guy?
Did Marla, & Ivanka not divorce him because of his ties to Epstein or was it all the adultery?
Did Trump not "meet" with Epstein numerous times or was that a conspiracy?
Did Trump fly on Epstein's plane numerous times or is that a conspiracy?
Did Epstein say Trump was his "best friend for ten years" or is that a conspiracy?
Did you see the actual footage of Epstein and Trump partying with very young or is that a conspiracy?
Based on what she observed, Dr. Birx has estimated that more than 130,000 lives could have been saved if the Trump administration had implemented optimal mitigation measures in 2020 and early 2021.
Trump failed to share accurate medical information with the American people, instead spreading dangerous misinformation.

"The flight logs show that Trump traveled on Epstein's private jets far more frequently than previous sets of records associated with Epstein's aircraft had indicated."
"Trump's niece Mary Trump insisted her uncle and the pedophile were very close."
But don't take her word for it, listen to Trump himself:
Trump: "I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy! He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side."
But don't take his word for it, listen to Epstein himself: "Donald Trump was my closest friend for 10 years, and he's a horrible human being."
But don't take his word for it, see for yourself:
Video Shows Donald Trump And Jeffrey Epstein Partying With Young Ladies (under-age children?) At Mar-A-Lago....





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