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- Manlobbi
Stocks A to Z / Stocks B / Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A) ❤
No. of Recommendations: 23
No. of Recommendations: 5
No. of Recommendations: 18
Zelenski was a man of immense patience while experiencing some of the worst bullying I've ever witnessed. This maldministration is a national embarrassment and a crime against humanity.
Amen! Watching Putin’s little, draft-dodging stooge try to bully Zelenskyy in our White House is repulsive.
I am embarrassed to be an American.
No. of Recommendations: 12
What a sickening display. Trump and Vance treated Zelenskyy with absolutely zero respect whatsoever. This, despite the fact that Zelenskyy is a million times the leader Trump/Vance think they are in their dreams and yet will never be, and they absolutely know it, which is what's fueling this despicable shakedown. This is a new nadir in American politics that will be written about forever as another "day that will live in infamy".
I was hoping Zelenskyy would say F!@# You Tr!@# and walk out. I can't believe that the rest of NATO, upon seeing this spectacle won't now truly step up and replace the U.S.'s military assistance to Ukraine. Surely, Putin can be defeated without the U.S.?
No. of Recommendations: 3
I am embarrassed to be an American.
Good. Join Mrs Obama- she was only proud of America when she became First Lady.
Your Reagan people are so Anti Soviet and such warmongers.
What's next, you cheer Rocky instead of Ivan Drago?
No. of Recommendations: 3
Hilarious. libs think that the US Treasury is just something we use to write checks to just everyone. And they get to come to the White House and dictate terms to us.
No. of Recommendations: 16
Finally, a person with a backbone!! Zelensky is such a better man than Trump.
Vance and Trump are such BS. Listen to the press conference. They are lying.
No. of Recommendations: 11
"Zelensky is a wartime leader watching his people suffer and die under Russian attacks every day.
To be lectured and lied to by Trump and Vance, as they defend the war criminal dictator committing these atrocities, is unimaginable agony.
An everlasting shame for America." ~Garry Kasparov
The Convicted felon Trump would NEVER, EVER, talk to Putin like that. And the world knows it.
You can donate directly to Ukraine...
All proceeds received go directly to the chosen cause, whether it’s supporting the front-line defense of Ukraine, demining, rebuilding, or humanitarian aid.
No. of Recommendations: 14
Ukraine voted for a clown and got a leader. The US voted for a leader and got a clown.
No. of Recommendations: 3
I wonder what these 401K Liberal said when Reagan walked out on Gorbachev.,,,
No. of Recommendations: 7
I just watched Reagan's speech about tearing down the wall. There was no mention of what previous presidents did or didn't do. There was no whining, just telling Russia what to do if they really want peace.
Today, Trump and Vance were just pushing around a leader because they thought they could. Absolutely no leadership.
No. of Recommendations: 8
Trump demonstrated to the world that he is a whining, sniveling coward. Instead of defending democracy, Trump has sided with Russia, North Korea, and Iran. Trump has shamed and weakened American interests.
China is the huge winner here. No one in this world has any reason to ever trust us. The Trump/Vance team are liars and rats (OK, I just slandered rats). They are disgusting, despicable excuses for human beings.
Zelensky showed backbone, patience, and what real leadership looks like. He also stood for American values, unlike our pusillanimous and traitorous president and VP.
No. of Recommendations: 2
I wonder what these 401K Liberal said when Reagan walked out on Gorbachev.,,,They went nuts. Because Reagan was the idiot cowboy, and obviously everything was his fault.
Essentially the same reaction you're seeing the droogs have today.
But reality...never has a liberal bias:
https://x.com/JacquiHeinrich/status/18955475191172...WH OFFICIALS TELL FOX:
**WHEN I WENT TO UPPER PRESS TO ASK WHAT WAS GOING ON, THE LUNCH THAT TRUMP AND ZELENSKYY WERE SUPPOSED TO DINE ON AND TALK OVER WAS SITTING IN THE HALLWAY. I’M TOLD WHITE HOUSE PRESS OFFICE STAFFERS WILL BE EATING IT.Again, Zelensky is an absolute moron. There's a great picture of the Ukrainian ambassador with her head in her hands in the Oval Office.
No. of Recommendations: 2
You're also seeing a living test on this board as to who here has actually negotiated ANYTHING in their lives.
All Zelensky had to do was
1) Fly to the US
2) Sign the deal
3) Smile for the cameras
4) Answer a couple of questions and say, "Can't wait to be in formal business with the United States, and I'm looking forward to the day the war ends so we can rebuild the Ukraine together"
5) Have lunch
6) Fly home.
That's it.
What nobody in the lib 'o sphere realizes is that the strategic minerals deal (I don't want to call it rare Earth, because IIRC they don't have actual rare Earth elements) amounts to a de facto security guarantee between the US and the Ukraine.
No. of Recommendations: 6
Really! No conversation or analysis about substance, just meaningless comments.
No. of Recommendations: 2
No conversation or analysis about substance, just meaningless comments.
Yeah, try again.
I listed Zelensky's 6 steps to success. Not Trump's fault he doesn't know how to pour water out of a boot.
No. of Recommendations: 16
What nobody in the lib 'o sphere realizes is that the strategic minerals deal (I don't want to call it rare Earth, because IIRC they don't have actual rare Earth elements) amounts to a de facto security guarantee between the US and the Ukraine.
No, it doesn't. While the value of that deal is uncertain, there's no possibility that it's valuable enough to meaningfully affect the U.S.' decision to commit military forces to defend Ukraine against Russia. If the Administration doesn't think defending Ukraine to support international collective security arrangement against Russian aggression is worthwhile, a partial interest in mineral rights of uncertain developability or value isn't going to matter much. I mean, Trump was willing to throw it away in an instant in reaction to his displeasure over today's event - so it isn't something even he felt was all that important.
No. of Recommendations: 6
The reporting has been long on drama and short on specifics, but this is my impression...
(1) A while back Trump held meetings with Putin about Ukraine
(2) Ukraine and the Us hold meetings about trading mineral rights for military resources
(3) Trump calls Zelenski to the US to sign both deals
Zelenski mentions that Russia has violated all agreements to date. What guarantees can be provided that they will not violate this one.
Trump... I trust Putin will do it, I don't have any other guarantees
Zelenski... that's not good enough. We need some sort of enforcement mechanism to assure Putin meets his side of the bargain
Shouting match ensues.
Deal not signed.
Let me know if you have evidence this is accurate or if critical pieces are missing.
No. of Recommendations: 2
No, it doesn't. While the value of that deal is uncertain, there's no possibility that it's valuable enough to meaningfully affect the U.S.' decision to commit military forces to defend Ukraine against Russia.
Anywhere on the globe where the US has a significant economic interest the US will act as a partner to preserve said economic interest.
No, it doesn't explicitly say 'this is a security guarantee'. That's where the term 'de facto' comes in: at no point was the Ukraine ever going to be made a member of NATO.
I mean, Trump was willing to throw it away in an instant in reaction to his displeasure over today's event - so it isn't something even he felt was all that important.
Sigh. If Zelensky is willing to grandstand, pout and preen TODAY in the friendliest of environments, what do you think he'd be willing to do in front of the Russians? Trump was right to throw his a$$ out of there. When he's ready to behave then it's time to meet with Putin and hammer out terms.
BTW, today's episode was very likely how Zelensky treated Biden.
No. of Recommendations: 1
The meeting was going pretty well until the end when Vance escalated the attack on Zelenskyy.
No. of Recommendations: 4
Trump has sided with Russia, North Korea, and Iran.
You people jumped on George W Bush when he labeled NK and Iran in the Axis of Evil.
You jumped on Romney for suggesting Russia is the most dangerous threat.
And then you helped elect Trump twice.
Trifecta! A Club 401K'er bowl a strike .
No. of Recommendations: 2
Some of the reactions to this are just...amazing.
And telling.
No. of Recommendations: 4
So trivia question...
If your wife held a meeting with your kids (leaving you out) to decide "what to do with Dope1".
Later they TELL you what is going to happen with you.
What might be your reaction? Are you just going to sign that piece of paper?
No. of Recommendations: 16
Anywhere on the globe where the US has a significant economic interest the US will act as a partner to preserve said economic interest.
No, it doesn't explicitly say 'this is a security guarantee'. That's where the term 'de facto' comes in: at no point was the Ukraine ever going to be made a member of NATO.
But this wouldn't have been a significant economic interest. The value is uncertain, but no one thinks it's valuable enough that we would commit serious resources to defending it. It's "found money" for the U.S. if Putin decides that he's eaten enough of Ukraine to satisfy his expansion plans - but if he decides he wants more, it's not enough to affect our decision making. So that's why it wouldn't be a "de facto" security guarantee.
Sigh. If Zelensky is willing to grandstand, pout and preen TODAY in the friendliest of environments, what do you think he'd be willing to do in front of the Russians?
Why does it matter what he'd be willing to do in front of the Russians? The Russians are the people who invaded his country without provocation to seize their lands and kill their people. Of course he's going to say - quite publicly - that they are not to be trusted. Just like Reagan was quite willing to tell the Russians in no uncertain terms that their representations are not to be taken at face value.
If the mineral deal was actually important to the U.S., they wouldn't have blown it up just because of a contentious press conference.
BTW, today's episode was very likely how Zelensky treated Biden.
Seems unlikely, since Biden probably didn't treat Zelensky this way.
No. of Recommendations: 0
I'm thinking Zelenskyy really does have to try to make things right. But with a private meeting with Trump alone. Give the baby what he wants and be done with it. Maybe sweeten the mineral deal, and try hard to get some sort of security guarantee from the U.S. contingent on Putin honoring any cease fire agreement. Then, in four years, when we have a new Democratic president, the old mineral deal can be conveniently rescinded for "reasons".
No. of Recommendations: 9
I am embarrassed to be an American.
Me, too. I try to blend in when traveling overseas, but especially now. The one time I was asked about the Felon, I calmly said "I didn't vote for him", and then some discussion about why some people did (including misinformation, frustration, the general shift towards authoritarianism globally, and other stuff). While 1poorlady was browsing tartans, the shop keeper and I chatted about it. Like me, he seemed to think his being a criminal should have driven voters away in droves.
I'm sure he would have been courteous, even if I said I did vote for the Felon. He wouldn't want to drive away customers. But he was genuinely confused how Americans could vote for such a malignant tumor.
Even though I try to blend, apparently Americans are easy to spot to the locals. But all I can say is "yeah, he's a bozo, and I didn't vote for him".
No. of Recommendations: 18
I'm thinking Zelenskyy really does have to try to make things right. But with a private meeting with Trump alone. Give the baby what he wants and be done with it.Seems unlikely to work.
I think
The Atlantic has the right take on it: this was the outcome that the Administration was trying to achieve:
Trump’s advisers have already declared the meeting a win for “putting America first,” and his apologists will likely spin and rationalize this shameful moment as just a heated conversation—the kind of thing that in Washington-speak used to be called a “frank and candid exchange.” But this meeting reeked of a planned attack, with Trump unloading Russian talking points on Zelensky (such as blaming Ukraine for risking global war), all of it designed to humiliate the Ukrainian leader on national television and give Trump the pretext to do what he has indicated repeatedly he wants to do: side with Russian President Vladimir Putin and bring the war to an end on Russia’s terms. Trump is now reportedly considering the immediate end of all military aid to Ukraine because of Zelensky’s supposed intransigence during the meeting.https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2025/02/...The Administration will now be able to recharacterize our withdrawal from supporting Ukraine as storming off in righteous anger at their outrage, rather than slinking away from a weaker ally because we'd rather be friends with the ones brutalizing them.
That's such an amazing outcome for them that there's no way that Zelenskyy can undo it behind closed doors. The Administration doesn't
want it to be undone (we can tell by the tone their surrogates like Graham were striking after the fact). Which is how we know that mineral deal wasn't valuable enough to matter at all to Ukraine's security.
No. of Recommendations: 0
That's such an amazing outcome for them that there's no way that Zelenskyy can undo it behind closed doors. The Administration doesn't want it to be undone (we can tell by the tone their surrogates like Graham were striking after the fact). Which is how we know that mineral deal wasn't valuable enough to matter at all to Ukraine's security.
Sadly, you may be right. But I still think Zelenskyy has to at least try.
No. of Recommendations: 8
"......Putin honoring any cease fire agreement"
Why in the world would anybody in Europe think that Putin would honor any agreement he
made ????
That's like thinking Trump would honor any contract he signed.
Gotta be tokin on the crack pipe to think that a " security guarantee " from Putin is worth
No. of Recommendations: 0
G017725, my comment wasn't directed at you. It was meant for anybody who
thinks the Europeans place any value in Putin and Trumps word.
No. of Recommendations: 5
I'm thinking Zelenskyy really does have to try to make things right.
I don't think there's any chance of making it right with Trump. Perhaps with the US post-Trump. But that is likely to be 4 years away.
Trump is publicly and clearly siding with Putin in this war. That's a big swing from the previous administration. An apology trip just makes Zelenskyy look weak at home. Instead, he stood up to the bully Trump just like he has been standing up to the bully Putin.
Zelensky's - and by extension Ukraine's - best hope is now with Europe. And he's meeting with European leaders in a couple of days. We'll have to see what tone comes out of that visit. Europe has a vested interest in containing Putin's expansion desires. But it's not going to be an easy sell - parts of Europe are also leaning to the right. They may not be interested in giving Ukraine all the help it needs.
No. of Recommendations: 3
If your wife held a meeting with your kids (leaving you out) to decide "what to do with Dope1".
Later they TELL you what is going to happen with you.
What might be your reaction? Are you just going to sign that piece of paper?
Does she have power of attorney over me?
Am I in a vegetative state?
Am I in hospice care?
Am I under the influence of drugs or otherwise unable to make decisions for myself?
The single thing you folks are missing - actually, you're missing many things - is that if Z is going to make stupid outbursts in Washington, D.C....
...what kind of stupid outbursts is he going to make at the negotiating table? Especially when he thinks that no matter how bombastic he is the US will back him up?
No. of Recommendations: 3
But this wouldn't have been a significant economic interest.
You think this is the only agreement the west would sign with the Ukraine? You think there wouldn't be US contractors involved in rebuilding their power grid or other civil infrastructure?
Why does it matter what he'd be willing to do in front of the Russians?
You're kidding, right?
Zelensky is acting like a child. He need to put aside the grandstanding and accept the reality:
He's out of dudes, guns and money.
Seems unlikely, since Biden probably didn't treat Zelensky this way.
Exactly. Biden was sitting there in a vegetative state the entire time.
No. of Recommendations: 2
Trump is publicly and clearly siding with Putin in this war.
LOL, no.
You people really don't get it.
One more time, with feeling: Zelensky is out of dudes, guns and money.
Every day he doesn't make peace is 1 day closer to HIM LOSING HIS ENTIRE COUNTRY.
No. of Recommendations: 12
The Administration will now be able to recharacterize our withdrawal from supporting Ukraine as storming off in righteous anger at their outrage, rather than slinking away from a weaker ally because we'd rather be friends with the ones brutalizing them.
We witnessed a planned mugging today.
It was a travesty.
We have a president who is Putin's bitch.
No. of Recommendations: 1
I want to team up with you and sell a car to every lib on this board.
We'd get them to pay 500% over sticker, buy 4 extended warranties, the underbody extra rust coating (a must for those living in Arizona) as well as the custom floor liners.
No. of Recommendations: 2
Thanks for helping elect said President.
No. of Recommendations: 3
Another question that needs asking is,
Why hasn't Russia's economy - which produces nothing other than oil and weapons - collapsed by now?
I wonder what that might imply?
No. of Recommendations: 1
Gotta be tokin on the crack pipe to think that a " security guarantee " from Putin is worth
What I meant was the if Putin does violate a cease fire deal, Trump has to guarantee that the U.S. will step up.
Of course, Trump may also be highly likely to renege as well. But I refuse to believe any deal is now completely lost.
No. of Recommendations: 1
No problem. We're all friends here!
No. of Recommendations: 3
You're assuming that any deal with Trump is worth the paper it is written on. He has broken every oath and promise he has ever made. There is no way any country will expect Trump to live up to his word especially Ukraine.
No. of Recommendations: 3
We have a trip planned later this year. I expect to do a lot of apologizing.
No. of Recommendations: 3
We'd get them to pay 500% over sticker, buy 4 extended warranties, the underbody extra rust coating
What you're saying is that you and Jedi are natural born pariahs? If you say so...
No. of Recommendations: 1
What you're saying is that you and Jedi are natural born pariahs? If you say so...
Not what I said. Read it again.
It's obvious who's had to deal with contentious deals over a negotiating table - with differing incentives on both sides - and who just hands over their wallets.
No. of Recommendations: 0
Headed for the PI end of April. My Filipino friends follow my Facebook, so no need to explain.
No. of Recommendations: 2
If Trump isn't a Russian asset he might as well be. He functions as one.
Trump would sell his precious Ivanka for the right price. He sure wouldn't hesitate to sell his own country out. He seems to be doing just that.
No. of Recommendations: 1
My God, just listen to Vance, that flaming asshole, yelling at Zelensky. What a disgrace!
No. of Recommendations: 0
What you're saying is that you and Jedi are natural born pariahs? If you say so...
Not what I said. Read it again.
I think plenty of libs have done negotiations, we just aren't natural born pariahs.
No. of Recommendations: 2
Trump isn't a fellow traveler. He's Putin's chauffeur.
"Where to Master."
No. of Recommendations: 3
https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/...and then Trump starts in and he's even stupider and worse and Vance. Gad. I cannot express my disgust for Vance and Trump.
Vance is a little shit lapdog of Trump.
And Trump is acting like a mob boss.
Trump has to make the deal that Putin wants.
Just listen to Trump and Vance, they are disgusting.
No. of Recommendations: 2
I think plenty of libs have done negotiations,
Given the comments on this and other threads, you've done them poorly.
No. of Recommendations: 2
No. of Recommendations: 0
That's such an amazing outcome for them that there's no way that Zelenskyy can undo it behind closed doors.
Unfortunately, that's the truth. This is going to be a tough four year.
No. of Recommendations: 3
No. of Recommendations: 21
Not what I said. Read it again.
It's obvious who's had to deal with contentious deals over a negotiating table - with differing incentives on both sides - and who just hands over their wallets.
Here’s what is obvious:
1. Zelensky and Ukraine are supposed to be our allies- not those sitting across from us at a negotiating table. If there is a negotiating table, then Putin is on one side and Zelensky is on the other. The United States and Europe are supposed to be playing supporting role on the side with Zelensky
2. But that’s not what happened. Zelensky came to Washington seeking help. Instead, he found an adversary- Donald Trump, arguing Putin’s talking points.
By arguing as you have that today was to be some sort of adversarial “negotiation”, you underscore the exact problem.
Zelensky came as a battered ally and Trump tried to extract blood while repeating Putin’s demands for “peace”.
Trump is a traitor to this country; he proved it today by demanding adherence to Putin’s demands.
And it was a trap, a setup, and a mugging of Zelensky for the cameras by the tag team of Vance/Trump.
There was never an intention of any sort of serious discussion. They brought him before the cameras, mugged him, then threw him out of the White House.
We’ve now joined forces with a murderous regime and dumped our allies in Europe.
No. of Recommendations: 3
1. Zelensky and Ukraine are supposed to be our allies- not those sitting across from us at a negotiating table.
Which is why all Z had to do was
1. Show up
2. Sign the agreement
3. Smile for the cameras
4. Say, "I'm super excited about this deal, and looking forward to a great economic partnership with the United States!"
5. Fly home
...and that was it. Instead, he wanted to negotiate a security agreement right there in the Oval Office in front of the press. A galactically stupid thing to do.
2. But that’s not what happened. Zelensky came to Washington seeking help.
No, he had gotten the help in the form of a deal that put the United States at his back in negotiations and on very favorable financial terms to the Ukrainians.
The rest of your post is the typical IHATEBADORANGEMAN.
No. of Recommendations: 3
I am embarrassed to be an American. - Banksy
Me, too. - 1pg
Hmmm, not me. I am proud to be an American and would have used the opportunity to showcase some of the good done by USA, even if Biden was president. Expressing pride in our country is easy, and should be automatic when dealing with foreigners, regardless of who is in the White House.
No. of Recommendations: 17
Expressing pride in our country is easy
Not when the president of the United States so beclowned himself and brought shame on this country by his attempted humiliation of Zelensky. I say “attempted” because he failed in that effort, only bringing shame upon himself and the country that elected him.
You may recognize it or you may not, but today Trump drove a knife through the heart of the international order that we brought about 80 years ago, and paid for with the blood shed by 350,000 American soldiers.
Trump just killed it.
And that is shameful. He did it in our name. So permit me to be sad for the loss….not only for the international order as embodied in NATO, but also for the loss of the America I thought I knew.
No. of Recommendations: 2
Zelensky's - and by extension Ukraine's - best hope is now with Europe. And he's meeting with European leaders in a couple of days. We'll have to see what tone comes out of that visit. Europe has a vested interest in containing Putin's expansion desires. - Peter
We have already talked about how Ukraine will be utterly incapable of defending itself after whatever deal is made. So Zelensky necessarily will require a partner to protect the peace. The best partner would be the EU since they have the most skin in the game. They EU is next if Putin ever does attempt to take Ukraine. Could it be that Trumps larger plan is to drive Ukraine into the loving arms of the EU and thereby keeping the USA out of funding another endless war?
No. of Recommendations: 17
Could it be that Trumps larger plan is to drive Ukraine into the loving arms of the EU and thereby keeping the USA out of funding another endless war?
Both you and Dope spend a lot of your time speculating and putting lipstick on a pig.
Which is understandable, because Trump does a lot that needs to be dressed up and put in a sympathetic light.
But then the morning comes, and all we see is just an ugly pig with lipstick.
No. of Recommendations: 8
Could it be that Trumps larger plan is to drive Ukraine into the loving arms of the EU and thereby keeping the USA out of funding another endless war?
Could it be you are hallucinating that Trump has a lager plan???
Maybe he has a concept?
Perhaps next week all will be revealed!
No. of Recommendations: 1
Not when the president of the United States so beclowned himself and brought shame on this country by his attempted humiliation of Zelensky. I say “attempted” because he failed in that effort, only bringing shame upon himself and the country that elected him.Oh stop it with your nonsense!
President Trump said a number of times he wanted the war to end, he was sickened and sadden at the loss of life from both sides.
President Trump also said he wanted to hear Zelensky say he too wanted peace.
But no, Zelensky wanted to dictate to Trump his terms before signing the rare earth agreement.
Zelensky would have been in a much better position had he accepted Trump’s rare earth agreement thus repaying America’s taxpayers monies.
Trump would be protecting America’s interest in the agreement. It would put Putin on the
outside looking in.
“Now The Fallout Continues: Former Ukrainian MP Calls for Zelensky's Impeachment”
“We're forced to wonder about the viability of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky's continued political future. Not only is he overseeing the loss of a big portion of his country to Russia, but as of this morning, he has angered and alienated the very nation that has been sending him billions of dollars' worth of support - the United States. This morning's meeting with President Trump and Vice President Vance saw Zelensky effectively defenestrated from the White House to the street.”
https://redstate.com/wardclark/2025/02/28/the-fall...“Here is the Reaction of Ukraine’s Ambassador Oksana Markarova After Zelenky’s Tough-Guy Act Backfires Spectacularly”
“Seated near the leaders, Ambassador Markarova was seen placing her head in her hands and facepalming as Zelensky’s bluster crashed and burned.
Assistant to the President & White House Deputy Chief of Staff Dan Scavino wrote on X, “Ukrainian Ambassador understands that Zelensky is a complete and total disaster…”
No. of Recommendations: 8
The gatewaypunduit is a known conduit of Russian disinformation.
It’s especially fitting that you quote from it, Lm.
Whether you know it or not, you have become a useful idiot spouting Russian propaganda.
No. of Recommendations: 1
The gatewaypunduit is a known conduit of Russian disinformation
Don’t bother me with more of your nonsense when you post crap from Charlie Sykes.
No. of Recommendations: 18
“Now The Fallout Continues: Former Ukrainian MP Calls for Zelensky's Impeachment”
Any idea who that former Ukrainian MP was? Of course not. You just regurgitate whatever the right-wing media tells you. Makes it easy. You don’t have to think.
The guys name is Oleksandr Dubinsky. Want to find out some fun facts about the guy? Probably not, but here they are anyway.
Oleksandr Dubinsky has been a member of the Verkhovna Rada, Ukraine’s parliament, since 2019. The 43-year-old faced a two-month arrest in 2023 on suspicion of state treason and was also accused of spreading misinformation about Ukraine’s political leadership, Meduza reported.
In 2021, the United States imposed sanctions on Dubinsky, alleging he was part of a “Russia-linked foreign influence network” tied to fellow People’s Deputy Andrii Derkach. He was accused of interfering in the 2020 US presidential election, Reuters reported.
Yep, you’re kind of guy.
No. of Recommendations: 9
I have long thought that LM Lisa a Russian troll. Remember, she quotes Peskov.
No. of Recommendations: 6
Yep, you’re kind of guy.
EVERY time, almost without fail. That the Trump tree is shaken, another two or three Russians fall out of the tree.
This truth has been operative since before Trump entered the White House in 2016.
I linked an article, on Thursday, I believe, laying out the extensive relationship that Trump has had with Putin and Russian oligarchs for decades.
LM attacked me for linking that article as she just did again for pointing out Trump’s disgraceful defense of Putin’s propaganda.
And it’s interesting that she attacked me by quoting from a Ukrainian propagandist for Putin.
No. of Recommendations: 0
Oleksandr Dubinsky has been a member of the Verkhovna Rada, Ukraine’s parliament, since 2019. The 43-year-old faced a two-month arrest in 2023 on suspicion of state treason and was also accused of spreading misinformation about Ukraine’s political leadership, Meduza reported.
In 2021, the United States imposed sanctions on Dubinsky, alleging he was part of a “Russia-linked foreign influence network” tied to fellow People’s Deputy Andrii Derkach. He was accused of interfering in the 2020 US presidential election, Reuters reported.
arrest in 2023 on suspicion. lol..on suspicion?
In 2021 the U.S. imposed sanctions? lol..Biden’s corrupt courts and judges?
In 2020 accused of interfering US presidential election? lol..and then what? Nothing.
No. of Recommendations: 10
Don’t bother me with more of your nonsense when you post crap from Charlie Sykes.
Hmmmm…… who to believe?
Gateway pundit, gateway to Russian propaganda, as you evidenced tonight?
Or Charlie Sykes. You used to trust him until he figured out that Trump was a criminal
Do you remember the time, LM…. It was about a month before the 2015 election- you quoted a story from the gateway pundit that was later proven to be Russian disinformation. It claimed that John Podesta was the leader of a Satanic pedophile ring in which MANY members of the DNC (and perhaps Hillary herself) participated in Satanic rituals that involved the drinking of human sperm? Do you remember posting that gem? Or has the memory been lost in the crowd of false and fanciful stories that you have posted from the gateway pundit? Or are you, as Aussi conjectures- really a Russian troll? I can’t picture any reasonably sane woman in Wisconsin posting the slanderous, evil stuff that you post- month after month and year after year.
And when you get caught, really caught at it… you simply pretend as if it never happened.
No. of Recommendations: 2
LM attacked me for linking that article as she just did again for pointing out Trump’s disgraceful defense of Putin’s propaganda.
The proverb"Keep your friends close; keep your enemies close"
Haven’t you notice? President Trump keeps his enemies close. It’s his way of disarming them.
China, N korea, Russia..and so on.
The art of the deal.
No. of Recommendations: 1
Do you remember the time, LM…. It was about a month before the 2015 election- you quoted a story from the gateway pundit that was later proven to be Russian disinformation. It claimed that John Podesta was the leader of a Satanic pedophile ring in which MANY members of the DNC (and perhaps Hillary herself) participated in Satanic rituals that involved the drinking of human sperm? Do you remember posting that gem?
I posted your memorizes from about a month before the 2015 election?
Are you keeping a dossier on me from ten years ago?
lol..no I don’t remember.
No. of Recommendations: 11
The proverb"Keep your friends close; keep your enemies close"
Apparently the meaning of “keeping an enemy close” has now expanded to claiming the enemy’s strategy as your own, as well as stabbing an ally in the back.
Are you guys even able to realize how pathetic you sound?
No. of Recommendations: 3
lol..no I don’t remember
I read from your comment that you really have nothing important to say. If it was important you would remember.
No. of Recommendations: 6
Yeah, some Filipino friends of mine posted on this: (names changed)
Witty Rich
Lisod na kung naay Manchurian candidate. Chinese state media trolls now laughing at PH as the next Ukraine...next ally to be sold out
(It's hard if anything) <---translation
Roll Ranger
Witty Rich- if what the majority of people are clamoring to run for president will become president, there's no need for America to do it. She will literally sell us out to the Chinese like what her father did (Duterte's daughter)
Witty Rich
Roll Ranger Funny... Pinoy president spurns the USA then sells us out to the Chinese. Later... Next Pinoy president spurns the Chinese but the Americans sells us out to the Chinese. Same ending.
Dope, Mike, Jedi, LM, wanna go argue with them? Tell them they can't be having this conversation because it isn't reality? Are you going to censor them out? You think that people around the world and our allies aren't looking and seeing what the reality is? You are fools if you think these conversations aren't going on around the globe. Everybody sees Ukraine is being sold out. Come to grips with it.
No. of Recommendations: 2
Ooops, should be: It's hard when there's a Manchurian Candidate.
No. of Recommendations: 3
Could it be that Trumps larger plan is to drive Ukraine into the loving arms of the EU and thereby keeping the USA out of funding another endless war?
No is the short answer.
Trump does not play 3D chess. He is simply and plainly an amoral grifter out for whatever he can get. And part of what he gets out of this debacle is a chance to humiliate a good man who wouldn't play Trump's corrupt game. Trump is so petty, he would sell out our allies and our country to get a little sweet revenge. Well, that and he truly admires Putin and wants to rule the US the way Putin rules Russia.
What the appeal is for people in the MAGA cult, I will NEVER understand. You are on the wrong side of history.
And then there is Vance...the "Trump is Hitler" guy, who now shamelessly kisses Trump's ass. Disgusting cannot begin to describe that little shit weasel.
No. of Recommendations: 2
I have long thought that LM Lisa a Russian troll. Remember, she quotes Pesko
No, no...just another useful idiot. MAGA is pretty much a cult of useful idiots.
No. of Recommendations: 4
Are you keeping a dossier on me from ten years ago?
LM- Like most folks here, I don’t keep a file or dossier on other posters. Life is too short for such nonsense. The only person I can think of who might do that is Jedi, who used to provide links to others’ posts after years had passed.
But all of us remember the occasional stunning post by another poster
No. of Recommendations: 8
I assure you that it is more likely that the Cheeto is beholden to Russia than not. It could be for a peccadillo, but in Cheeto's mind, any loss of face or power or brand is worth fighting for, regardless of the cost to the world.
RU is not our friend, is not admirable, and is a nation in vast decline. The economies of NY, FL, TX, and CA are each - individually - larger than that of RU. Male life expectancy - even before the war - was barely north of 60.
Why we aren't using their culminating in Ukraine as a grand opportunity to finally deliver a knock out blow is beyond me. Their fighting ability is really quite poor, now that the propaganda and parade mask has slipped.
No. of Recommendations: 4
Why we aren't using their culminating in Ukraine as a grand opportunity to finally deliver a knock out blow is beyond me. Their fighting ability is really quite poor, now that the propaganda and parade mask has slipped.
We were on the verge of accomplishing that.
Then Trump threw Putin a lifeline.
Biden can certainly be seen as dilly dallying around with US aid to Ukraine. Of course, a recalcitrant Republican congress exacerbated the problem.
But Trump is dragging the United States into switching sides. We are now Russia’s ally in their dtruggle with NATO.
We might even join North Korea in sending armaments to Russia.
No. of Recommendations: 2
Trump does not play 3D chess.
Pretty sure Trump doesn't even know how to play checkers, let alone mere 2D Chess. The most I'd wager he took away - if anything - from the rules of Chess is the end-goal "to mate the King". Now, mating is something that Trump understands. He's wanted to mate with every female he sees since his teens!
No. of Recommendations: 21
Dope1: All Zelensky had to do was
1) Fly to the US
2) Sign the deal
3) Smile for the cameras
4) Answer a couple of questions and say, "Can't wait to be in formal business with the United States, and I'm looking forward to the day the war ends so we can rebuild the Ukraine together"
5) Have lunch
6) Fly home.
All Trump had to do was say, "America sides with freedom and democracy. America does not side with invaders and we do not side with Putin."
And he couldn't do it.
Because he's a Russian asset.
No. of Recommendations: 7
All Zelensky had to do was
1) Fly to the US
2) Sign the deal
3) Smile for the cameras
4) Answer a couple of questions and say, "Can't wait to be in formal business with the United States, and I'm looking forward to the day the war ends so we can rebuild the Ukraine together"
5) Have lunch
6) Fly home.
7) Surrender the lands Putin has stolen and then prepare to have your country destroyed by Russia as Trump stands back and smiles.
You cultists will excuse anything for the orange God.
No. of Recommendations: 14
All E. Jean Carrol had to do was:
1) Let Trump rape her. "When you're rich you can do anything, grab 'em by the pussy, anything."
2) Sign NDA.
3) Smile for the cameras.
4) Answer a couple of questions and say, "Rich guys can do anything, grab my pussy...anything."
5) Have lunch.
6) Go home.
No. of Recommendations: 9
Hmmm, not me. I am proud to be an American...
In the more abstract, why would one be proud of something they didn't have control of? I'm not proud to be male. I was born this way. I happened to be born in the USA. But that has even less to do with me than being male. IMO, things to have pride in is what you do with what you have, be it athletic ability or work ethic or intellect (to name a few).
But I am embarrassed to be American right now, and will hide that fact when I travel overseas (likely unsuccessfully; apparently we're easy to spot). The Felon isn't like other administrations. I disagreed with Bush II a lot, but I wasn't embarrassed. The Felon is ignorant, and proud of it, making wild claims not supported by fact, alienating long-time allies, a criminal and adjudicated rapist, and just generally being a moronic blow-hard. It is genuinely embarrassing to have him as my elected representative on the world stage. That isn't about policy, in general, it's about him. It's worse than being embarrassed for Michael Scott while watching him, because he isn't funny. You cringe and shake your head at Michael Scott. The Felon is as serious as a heart attack.
No. of Recommendations: 4
Could it be that Trumps larger plan is to drive Ukraine into the loving arms of the EU...
Categorically, NO.
Putin will not accept Ukraine joining the EU or NATO. That will be among his conditions for a cease-fire. Guaranteed. Especially NATO, but he won't want them in the EU, either. So current talks about them joining will have to stop.
No. of Recommendations: 3
Dope, Mike, Jedi, LM, wanna go argue with them? Tell them they can't be having this conversation because it isn't reality?
Sure. Tell them from me to stop acting like children.
This board is getting dumber by the day. By the hour, even.
It's not possible to have an intelligent debate on foreign policy because too many of you aren't able to get past everyone's IHATEBADORANGEMAN for five minutes. If you guys could, maybe you'd be able to think rationally but even the people who should know better, can't. And don't. So here we are: This board is now officially stupider than the old Political Asylum on the Fool. A sterling achievement, that.
Here's the short thing to go tell your friends in the Philippines: Every dollar we spend and every soldier, tank and airplane we station in the Ukraine is one dollar, soldier, tank and airplane that the Philippines don't get. And every dollar we don't spend in the Pacific is a lot less Navy for out there.
Tell them to sleep tight. And maybe to learn to look at the big picture.
As for the rest of you: Let's repeat this again because it's not getting through the first 6 or 7 centimeters of skull: Zelensky lacks the dudes, the guns and the money to push Ivan out of the Ukraine. And he knows that; he admitted as much to Brett Baier last night. Did any of you catch that? Likely not.
So Zelensky wants a "security guarantee" from the US before he goes to the bargaining table with Russia. That means he wants into NATO -or- gets some amount of Western troops inside his borders. He wants this so when he shows up to the ceasefire talks he thinks he's got the upper hand.
But what he - and you people - are too emotionally involved (or are generally too limited) to understand is that the economic agreement is the security guarantee. An economic agreement that was watered down significantly from the initial bargaining position to something very favorable for the Ukrainians. If/when they sign it, US companies with US citizens move in to start developing the resources. With that comes improvements to the power grid, roads, water, all the stuff you need to a) get the resources but also b) help rebuild vital services in the Ukraine.
A "security guarantee" the way Zelensky and you people want it ties down the US military and takes it off the board in case it's needed elsewhere. It also represents a never ending commitment for us to re-imagine the Berlin Brigade of the Cold War. That's not in our interest.
It's FAR BETTER for all involved if we did economic deals, which would give the United States a stake in the development of the Ukraine. An economically strong Ukraine with a lot of US interests running around inside it is a far bigger and better deterrent to Putin, who would be faced with the calculus of what a future US President would do if he decided to kill large numbers of American civilians and blow up the things we've built inside their country.
It's much better to start peace talks with THAT position, leaving with it the additional leverage of potentially putting NATO forces with 280 miles of Moscow. Do any of you goobers think Putin wants that? Do you think the mere possibility of that is in itself a valuable bargaining chip to have?
Zelensky - and the democrats, idiots like Liz Cheney, the democrats and the media - would give up that very powerful negotiating card right off the bat.
For all your bleating about RUSSIARUSSIARUSSIA and PUTINTRUMPHITLERMAO none of you understand the deep seeded paranoia that's at the root of Russian society. They CONSTANTLY believe that the rest of the world - especially Europe and the United States - is just waiting to rob them blind and steal everything that's not nailed down and that forms a big chunk of how they interact with the West.
Maybe study some history to gain insights into what your adversaries think and believe.
Here's another thing to consider that none of you have: It's very likely, given that NATO navies are all now but nonexistent, that Trump is aware that neither he nor any future American President will get no European help whatsoever in the Pacific. That means we're on our own against the Chinese and every dollar we spend needs to be a very thoughtful use of the money.
Maybe consider these things. Or don't. This board getting
...is another choice, too.
No. of Recommendations: 2
All Trump had to do was say, "America sides with freedom and democracy. America does not side with invaders and we do not side with Putin."
And he would have, during lunch when they were celebrating signing the economic agreement.
Let's repeat this again because it's not getting through the first 6 or 7 centimeters of skull: Zelensky lacks the dudes, the guns and the money to push Ivan out of the Ukraine. And he knows that; he admitted as much to Brett Baier last night. Did any of you catch that? Likely not.
So Zelensky wants a "security guarantee" from the US before he goes to the bargaining table with Russia. That means he wants into NATO -or- gets some amount of Western troops inside his borders. He wants this so when he shows up to the ceasefire talks he thinks he's got the upper hand.
But what he - and you people - are too emotionally involved (or are generally too limited) to understand is that the economic agreement is the security guarantee. An economic agreement that was watered down significantly from the initial bargaining position to something very favorable for the Ukrainians. If/when they sign it, US companies with US citizens move in to start developing the resources. With that comes improvements to the power grid, roads, water, all the stuff you need to a) get the resources but also b) help rebuild vital services in the Ukraine.
A "security guarantee" the way Zelensky and you people want it ties down the US military and takes it off the board in case it's needed elsewhere. It also represents a never ending commitment for us to re-imagine the Berlin Brigade of the Cold War. That's not in our interest.
It's FAR BETTER for all involved if we did economic deals, which would give the United States a stake in the development of the Ukraine. An economically strong Ukraine with a lot of US interests running around inside it is a far bigger and better deterrent to Putin, who would be faced with the calculus of what a future US President would do if he decided to kill large numbers of American civilians and blow up the things we've built inside their country.
It's much better to start peace talks with THAT position, leaving with it the additional leverage of potentially putting NATO forces with 280 miles of Moscow. Do any of you goobers think Putin wants that? Do you think the mere possibility of that is in itself a valuable bargaining chip to have?
Zelensky - and the democrats, idiots like Liz Cheney, the democrats and the media - would give up that very powerful negotiating card right off the bat.
For all your bleating about RUSSIARUSSIARUSSIA and PUTINTRUMPHITLERMAO none of you understand the deep seeded paranoia that's at the root of Russian society. They CONSTANTLY believe that the rest of the world - especially Europe and the United States - is just waiting to rob them blind and steal everything that's not nailed down and that forms a big chunk of how they interact with the West.
Maybe study some history to gain insights into what your adversaries think and believe.
Here's another thing to consider that none of you have: It's very likely, given that NATO navies are all now but nonexistent, that Trump is aware that neither he nor any future American President will get no European help whatsoever in the Pacific. That means we're on our own against the Chinese and every dollar we spend needs to be a very thoughtful use of the money.
Maybe consider these things. Or don't.
No. of Recommendations: 1
But don't take it from me. Let's have Marco Rubio repeat it to you also:
https://x.com/ACTBrigitte/status/18956715728134967...You guys only saw the end. You saw what happened today. You don't see all the things that led up to this. So let me explain. The president's been very clear, he campaigned on this. He thinks this war should have never started. He believes, and I agree, that had he been president, it never would have happened. Now here we are, he's trying to bring an end to this conflict, we've explained very clearly what our plan is here, which is we want to get the Russians to the negotiating table, we want to explore whether peace is possible.
They understand this. They also understand that this agreement that was supposed to be signed today was supposed to be an agreement that binds America economically to Ukraine, which to me, as I've explained it, I think the president alluded to today, is a security guarantee in its own way, because we're now involved, it's us, it's our interests.Indeed. This isn't rocket science.
And let's let Secretary Rubio explain another thing to you:
I've asked people, what is the European plan to end this war? I can tell you of one foreign minister told me, I'm not going to say who it was, but I can tell you what one of them told me, and that is that the war goes on for another year, and at that point Russia will feel so weakened, that they'll beg for a peace. That's another year of killing, another year of dying, another year of destruction, and by the way, not a very realistic plan in my point of view. Because
Europe is always ready to defend Europe right down to the last American, or in this case, Ukrainian.
No. of Recommendations: 7
Trump is going to surrender to Putin.
No. of Recommendations: 3
Trump is going to surrender to Putin.
Don't make it a lifestyle choice.
No. of Recommendations: 2
Some adults are figuring it out. Albeit slowly:
https://www.ft.com/content/232d8d11-5f65-4e86-880e...Europeans rally around Zelenskyy but will struggle to formulate a plan to defend Ukraine
The showdown in the Oval Office has exposed the huge rift between the US and EuropeThe european position is to defend europe down to the last Ukranian, Pole and American. They don't have any other plan:
The breakdown in relations between Zelenskyy and Trump also piles pressure on senior European leaders meeting in London on Sunday for a hastily arranged summit hosted by Starmer.
The summit is aimed at formulating proposals to collectively protect Ukraine and boost spending on defence, reducing the continent’s dependence on America.
“We finally need to wake up and realise: ‘This is it’,” said a senior EU diplomat in response to the White House fallout. “We are on our own and the parents on the other side of the Atlantic have just turfed us out of the family home, cut off our allowances and disinherited us.”
Slowly, some Euros are getting it. But some still haven't:
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During their visits to the White House this week, Macron and Starmer made a co-ordinated attempt to persuade Trump to provide military back-up for a possible European stabilisation force in Ukraine, which they both said was indispensable. Those efforts have been derailed by Friday’s showdown in the White House.
How about...no?
What we have is going to be needed elsewhere. The Europeans can provide the 'peacekeeping force' - oh, right. They don't have any equipment left.
No. of Recommendations: 2
Why are you using future tense?
No. of Recommendations: 20
Let's repeat this again because it's not getting through the first 6 or 7 centimeters of skull: Zelensky lacks the dudes, the guns and the money to push Ivan out of the Ukraine. And he knows that; he admitted as much to Brett Baier last night. Did any of you catch that? Likely not.
Apparently, it is you who is having a problem. Everyone in the world expected Russia to be in Kiev in 3 days and have Ukraine under control in a week. Yet, 3 years later Russia is buying arms from North Korea, they are sending untested North Koreans to become cannon fodder in war, the Ukraine has completely knocked out the vaunted Russian Black Sea fleet, Russian is sending troops who are on crutches to fight in the front line, AND Ukraine actually controls a small amount of Russian territory. Add to that, the best and the brightest young minds in Russia have fled the country.
It turns out that describing Russia as a gas station with nuclear bombs was a pretty accurate.
Further, Russia’s actions have led even more counties, like Norway and Sweden, to join NATO. That’s a really good thing.
The Ukraine has accomplished this without asking for 1 American soldier to fight with them. As Zelensky once stated when we offered to get him and his family out of Ukraine, I don’t want a ticket, I want guns and ammo. And that’s what we’ve sent him. Mind you, besides helping a country retain its freedom, we manufacture all those weapons in the U.S. made by Americans.
Of course Ukraine needs help. But they’ve never asked for our soldiers.
Ukraine also had a security agreement in place at onetime. When they gave up nukes stored in Ukraine, Russia guaranteed they would never invade Ukraine. Turns out Russian guarantees can be trusted as much as American guarantees.
Economic agreements can be a powerful tool. I’d like to see us use them in Cuba, for example. But so far, all the Russians see in economic development is hostages to imprison and trade for criminals.
Russia is near the end of their rope. Russia has to be held in check or they will just keep invading countries to fulfill Putin’s dream of restoring the Russian Empire. Instead of browbeating and trying to humiliate our allies, we should continue to support Ukraine with the weapons they need. It’s an inexpensive way to keep a world war from starting.
It will also allow us to focus, as much is realistic to do, on a much more dangerous adversary, China.
As an undergraduate history major (mainly U.S., although I’ve taken several courses on European, Russian and Chinese history), I believe this is the wisest and safest course of action.
No. of Recommendations: 3
Apparently, it is you who is having a problem. Everyone in the world expected Russia to be in Kiev in 3 days and have Ukraine under control in a week. Yet, 3 years later Russia is buying arms from North Korea, they are sending untested North Koreans to become cannon fodder in war, the Ukraine has completely knocked out the vaunted Russian Black Sea fleet, Russian is sending troops who are on crutches to fight in the front line, AND Ukraine actually controls a small amount of Russian territory. Add to that, the best and the brightest young minds in Russia have fled the country.
And not a word of this refutes the simple fact that Zelensky doesn't have the dudes, the guns or the money to push the Russkies out of the Ukraine.
Further, Russia’s actions have led even more counties, like Norway and Sweden, to join NATO. That’s a really good thing.
Yes. The nordic countries finally figured out what time it is.
BTW, the Swedes and others are actually arming up; perhaps the other european powers could look to them as an example.
Russia is near the end of their rope. Russia has to be held in check or they will just keep invading countries to fulfill Putin’s dream of restoring the Russian Empire. Instead of browbeating and trying to humiliate our allies, we should continue to support Ukraine with the weapons they need. It’s an inexpensive way to keep a world war from starting.
So this plan is to keep on going? What's your endgame? The Chinese and the Norks are propping up Putin. China is happy to keep the West's focus on the Ukraine and the Norks are happy to send people they can't feed anyway to die.
From a dudes, guns and money standpoint, the Russians have more in 2/3 categories.
It will also allow us to focus, as much is realistic to do, on a much more dangerous adversary, China.
Ending this thing quickly is a better way to refocus on China.
No. of Recommendations: 3
100% correct.
Russia will be out of stockpiles from 12-18 months, depending on what equipment you are talking about. The three day war has dragged on for three years. Russian incompetence and corruption affected their preparedness, and now their military has been attrited to a point where their effectiveness and preparedness are almost nil. If they had a cease-fire tomorrow, Russia won't recover from this debacle for probably a generation.
Not to mention what it's doing to their economy. All for the price of some tanks we weren't going to use anymore anyway, and other obsolete equipment.
The longer Ukraine is willing to keep them tied-up, the better for the rest of the western world. And then we all can focus on China, as you said. Which is the more immediate threat to the west and global security.
No. of Recommendations: 29
Dope1: And not a word of this refutes the simple fact that Zelensky doesn't have the dudes, the guns or the money to push the Russkies out of the Ukraine.
You, like that moron Vance, see war as a math problem in which big numbers always win -- which, as a historical matter, is mistaken. Did the numerically stronger side win the Revolutionary War? Since 1945, more often than not the smaller, colonized country has defeated the larger, colonizing power.
And while Zelensky has repeatedly thanked the United States for its support, the United States should be thanking Ukraine. Ukrainian resistance has sparked hope in people defending democracies around the world. Ukrainian soldiers are defending the basic principle of international law: that states are sovereign and that borders should not be changed by aggression. Ukraine in effect fulfilled the entire NATO mission, absorbing a full-scale Russian attack without asking other countries to provide boots on the ground.
At the same time, Ukrainian resistance has deterred Chinese aggression over Taiwan, by showing how difficult offensive operations can be. It has slowed the spread of nuclear weapons, by proving that a conventional power can resist a nuclear power in a conventional war... despite Russia's repeated threat to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine.
Yet despite all that Ukraine has done to defend itself from Russian aggression, Trump has never once berated Putin the way he berated Zelensky yesterday. In fact, despite the Russians having betrayed every truce and every ceasefire since their first invasion in 2014, Trump sees Putin as the victim: together, they "had gone through a lot together," both the victims of a "hoax".
There was, of course, no hoax. Putin supported Trump in all three of his presidential campaigns.
For Trump, the wounds he shares with Putin because they "had gone through a lot together" are more consequential than all the dead men, women, and children in Ukraine.
We all knew that Trump would abandon Ukraine.
And we all knew his cult would applaud his cowardice.
No. of Recommendations: 8
And not a word of this refutes the simple fact that Zelensky doesn't have the dudes, the guns or the money to push the Russkies out of the Ukraine.
As I clearly stated, of course Ukraine needs help. With that help, they’ve proven to be able to stop Russia dead in their tracks. For 3 fricking years!
They’ve exposed Russia to be very weak.
It is clearly in our national interest to support Ukraine. And, it’s a good deal to boot.
Russia invading other European countries is a recipe for a world war.
Russia is an adversary of ours. Supporting Ukraine, who with our help can hold off and weaken an enemy of ours, is a smart thing to do.
We need Russia to understand that invading other countries is not acceptable behavior. Eventually, they will come to the table.
That’s a win-win for America and our European allies.
China is bleeding Russia, too. Otherwise they’d just arm Russia to be able to overtake Ukraine. But they’re not. They don’t want a strong Russia.
At some point, even the Russians will figure out they’re getting burned on both sides of the candle.
No. of Recommendations: 5
And not a word of this refutes the simple fact that Zelensky doesn't have the dudes, the guns or the money to push the Russkies out of the Ukraine.
And apparently Russia doesn’t have the men, guns, or money to push the dudes out of russkieland, hence the commiereans. Lucky for Putin his asset is taking the American finger off the scale.
No. of Recommendations: 3
Lucky for Putin, the Smug Liberals don't want to entertain that they make it easier for Putin.
They discredit the person trying to tell them what they want to hear.
How, communist -- but then again Liberals are communists - they just dislike Putin is all.
No. of Recommendations: 2
Did the numerically stronger side win the Revolutionary War? Since 1945, more often than not the smaller, colonized country has defeated the larger, colonizing power.</iL
I posted this. The French provided 12,000 troops and 32,000 sailors. That analogy doesn’t quite match the current situation.
One more time:
-Zelensky doesn't the dudes, the guns or the money. Secretary Rubio put it best yesterday when he said
The Ukraine is a meat grinder, amd the Russians have more meat.
Very accurate.
At the same time, Ukrainian resistance has deterred Chinese aggression over Taiwan, by showing how difficult offensive operations can be
They have done no such thing. An assault on Taiwan will look very different from what Outin did.
It has slowed the spread of nuclear weapons, by proving that a conventional power can resist a nuclear power in a conventional war... despite Russia's repeated threat to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine.
It has done no such thing. Putin was never going to use nuclear weapons right next to his own country, where the prevailing winds would blow the fallout and radiation right into Russia.
Yet despite all that Ukraine has done to defend itself from Russian aggression, Trump has never once berated Putin the way he berated Zelensky yesterday.
Because Trump wants Putin to come to the bargaining table. How does calling him names accomplish that?
No. of Recommendations: 2
Trump is going to surrender to Putin.
He already has.
No. of Recommendations: 5
And he would have, during lunch when they were celebrating signing the economic agreement.
More speculative wishcasting.
Especially since he’s never remotely come close to saying anything remotely resembling it before.
No. of Recommendations: 3
Because Trump wants Putin to come to the bargaining table. How does calling him names accomplish that?
So now you’re a mind reader.
More lipstick on the pig
No. of Recommendations: 3
So now you’re a mind reader.
It’s called logic.
No. of Recommendations: 10
It’s called logic
Not logic at all. Absent any evidence at all, it is pure wishcasting.
This is what you “hope” his strategy is.
I hope it is too, but Occam’s razor suggests Trump, Vance and L’il Marco are getting their talking points from the Kremlin.
No. of Recommendations: 4
Not logic at a
Yes it is. Theres nothing to gain from hurling insults Putin’s way.
No. of Recommendations: 17
Yes it is. Theres nothing to gain from hurling insults Putin’s way.
He hurls insults and threats at anyone in this country who isn’t MAGA- journalists, politicians, scientists.
He hurls threats at almost every ally we have in North and South America and Europe. If it’s an important ally/trading partner, he’s insulted and threatened them.
The only important person/country he DOESN’T hurl threats at are Putin/Russia…… and you’re saying that Trump doesn’t threaten Putin/Russia because they are an enemy, and he’s threatening all of our allies because they are our friends?
I suppose this inversion of reason is needed to avoid coming to grips with the fact that our president just mugged an ally while repeating an enemy’s propaganda.
Sing praises to your enemy while beating up your friends.
Must be some of that “3-D chess”