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Author: WEBspired 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 12487 
Subject: Re: Ron Olson Stepping Down
Date: 03/15/2025 5:19 PM
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“This seems odd to me, what do some of the long time owners feel about this? No big deal?”

I was honestly quite surprised and disappointed. esp. as it relates to Ron Olson who was very tight with Charlie and helped us manage a Lot of legal issues over the years. That wisdom, experience and loyalty is invaluable imo and frankly, I don’t care about how many candles are on one’s birthday cake, as long as they add wisdom, experience & good judgement to the Board and represent Our interests as partners.

That being said, it will be interesting to hear some color wrt this decision/topic in Omaha by WEB as well as the rich spillover discussions at the Marriott & Hilton over a beverage about this and a potpourri of topics given these interesting times. I cherish these weekends even more as WEB’s sand in the hourglass passes to the lower bulb, even though I know Berkshire’s future is very bright.
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