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No. of Recommendations: 1
"and I am sure that Joni Ernst, border cop cosplayer, and FEMA co-splayer for the cameras with carefully coiffed hair, immaculate make-up and faultless uniform"
Did Sheeple talk about the make up and hair of previous MALES in this position?
BAAAAAAAA White Males on the Left. Toxic I tell you.
No. of Recommendations: 3
Did Sheeple talk about the make up and hair of previous MALES in this position?
BAAAAAAAA White Males on the Left. Toxic I tell you.
Not only that but he mixed up Kristi Noem with Joni Ernst. Maybe all white women look alike?
Actually what really confused him was seeing a cabinet secretary do the job he/she was supposed to do. Lord knows Mayorkas never did his.
No. of Recommendations: 2
he mixed up Kristi Noem with Joni Ernst.
Guilty as charged...I've gotten them confused in the past. Regrettably, they both have that FOXNews female anchor look, as do most of the alpha women in TrumpWorld.... immaculate makeup, though heavy on the application..... lips grotesquely inflated with Collagen.... Botoxed... vacant stare devoid of human feeling or compassion
Maybe all white women look alike?
Nope... none of the Trumpworld women look anything like my wife... thank God.
No. of Recommendations: 0
Fair enough
Frankly I think it's not misogyny like the blue haired idiot progressives call it.
First off, sadly, our culture and our human nature all around the world - yeah - we look at women's clothes, hair, etc. Whether she's a janitor or a Presidential candidate - see Hillary's Pantsuits whereas nobody gives a shit what Trump or Bush or Kerry wore.
And frankly, I think it's 10)% ok to notice a woman's looks and if one is not saying something bad or out and out cat-calling, it's ridiculous that 'she's pretty" or "nice dress" is somehow offensive or fireable. NUTS
On Trump admin women I concur- the fake, full on make up and mean look - not my thing EVER.
Press Sec is sort of my cup of tea
Tulsi sort of my cup of tea.
But without make-up and Hollywood I would think it ain't all that.
For some odd reason - Trump likes mean chicks. His first wife. His current wife. The women around them - just plain mean and users.
Not my thing.
No. of Recommendations: 6
Yes one of the "sheeples misogynists" is up for a Senate vote today...
RFK Jr. has been associated with numerous misogynistic behavior and statements, both in his personal life and political career.
Kennedy's own past includes numerous troubling incidents, such as admitting to sexually assaulting his children's babysitter.
Kennedy's support for Trump, who is a known rapist is seen as further evidence of his disregard for women's rights.
Kennedy admitted under questioning from Senate Democrats to at least two sexual misconduct claims against him, which he kept quiet through confidentiality and non-disclosure agreements.
In October a report circulated that at least three women claimed to have had romantic relationships with Kennedy in the last year, he is married.
Another MAGA Hero!
No. of Recommendations: 7
Another MAGA Hero!
..... and "sheeple misogynist.
Taken down by Caroline Kennedy, his cousin.
But apparently the "sheeple misogynists" (those Republicans in the Senate afraid of their own shadows, many of whom sent sexualized text messages to Cassidy Hutchinson) were too intimidated by the alpha-misogynist in the White House to vote down the nomination of a grossly unfit RFKJr.
Putting the country at risk and taking one giant step toward realizing the goal of the president- to have the zaniest, most criminal and unprepared cabinet EVER!!
No. of Recommendations: 3
The Kennedy Family has a long history of nothing but great treatment of women.
And Sheeple 401K'ers have stood by their side for all of it.
Hopefully RFK doesn't drive an assistant home on a bridge.
Or what will happen? Oh yeah, he'll be one of the most powerful Senators ever.
No. of Recommendations: 1
Not only that but he mixed up Kristi Noem with Joni Ernst. Maybe all white women look alike?
As long as they don't talk during the movie at movie theaters, looks is secondary to me.
Oh God give me one executive order.....