Stocks A to Z / Stocks B / Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A) ❤
No. of Recommendations: 5
Self driving off a cliff...
Teslas worst day since Sept 2020.
If this keeps up, Tesla's PE could actually drop below 100!
In other news:
Twitter is going through multiple rolling outages today.
On March 6th, A SpaceX rocket exploded.
No. of Recommendations: 1
GOOD! My hope is they take the EV charging down with them - how cool would that be.
He was of by and for the Liberals with the "EV" shit.
Luckily Americans are enjoying their nice big comfy trucks regardless :)
No. of Recommendations: 1
Elon has a lot of stuff just floating around in orbit. I wonder when some friend will point out to him that it would be a shame if "somethin' was to happen to it. Just a little nudge. Satellites make such pretty fireworks on reentry.
No. of Recommendations: 0
EV is the future, whether you like it or not. It is the only viable option in the long-term. Oil is finite, and as the supply diminishes the price will go up until no one is willing (or able) to use it. Except maybe for the military.
No. of Recommendations: 0
I agree --- but Elon made that future MUCH closer---- I wish he hadn't.
In the meantime, them Trumpy Canadians sure do like their China EV tariffs.
No. of Recommendations: 1
I agree --- but Elon made that future MUCH closer---- I wish he hadn't.
Why? He made the inevitable transition a lot less painful than it would have been otherwise. It's going to happen, so getting a head-start before it's vital is -IMO- a good idea. Scrambling at the last minute is almost always bad.
No. of Recommendations: 4
one of the few remaining tesla short sellers forecast that nothing could shatter musk fanboys' tech-fantasy other than >80% plunge in share price. seldomly does sentiment not also work in reverse.regarding elon's 'helping' the transition, he took a look at the hardest possible dilemma, which is robust grid upgrade and electrification.
at least he realized this was out of his depth, even at a regional level. for that, he relied on...government subsidies.
regarding musk adventures in space, they are self-disposing. disruption to others seems to be nobody's business despite economic nor safety issues:
No. of Recommendations: 8
I agree that EV is the future. I hope that Tesla will be the Tucker of the EVs.