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Author: WatchingTheHerd HONORARY
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Number: of 41504 
Subject: Re: Feel good story of the day
Date: 09/17/2024 2:51 PM
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Modern "smart" devices have a lot of software and sensor circuitry related to managing battery life. I don't understand all the chemistry and phyiscs involved but I imagine that some battery designs with some specific formulations are subject to hazards if discharged in ways beyond certain parameters. The operating system of the phone is programmed to reflect this in its monitoring of running apps, battery drain and operating mode to stay within that battery's known safety ranges. I imagine if you trick the software into thinking a different type of battery is in use or ignore data coming from the sensors for drain, voltage and temperature, you could heat up the phone and trigger a cascading failure.

Samsung phones made between about 2018 and 2021 all exhibit a problem that when left idle for extended periods (like 3 months), attempting to plug them into a charger will swell the battery, crack the case and glass and presumably do more bad things if they remain plugged in. I saw two different S8 phones in my family do that.

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