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Author: bighairymike   😊 😞
Number: of 42586 
Subject: Re: US/Ukraine meeting next week to talk peace
Date: 03/08/2025 10:58 PM
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You're extrapolating to infinity. Yes, Ukraine will run out of "dudes" before Russia does, all else being equal. Despite the unequal casualty rates (which strongly favors Ukraine). But you don't have to go to infinity. Or even five years. Within two, assuming Ukraine continues to get materiel from the West, Russia will be exhausted. - 1pg


Your post is the first I have heard about any limit to the duration of our funding "obligation". Of course we could not put a two year sunset into the agreement, so we will have to behave as if our funding obligation is for as long as it takes.

Then when two years go by and the war is still active, if we try to step back then, we again will be vilified for lack of support. So there we are, two years later after spending another $400B, and another 200,000 brave soldiers have died, we are right back to where we are now.

Then there is this:

5 days ago KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — A deal to end the war between Ukraine and Russia "is still very, very far away," Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said
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