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- Manlobbi
Halls of Shrewd'm / US Policy❤
No. of Recommendations: 8
No. of Recommendations: 3
I guess 149 million Americans remembered Trump’s Kakistocracy from his previous four years as President and decided they want four more years of the same.
Easy choice after four miserable years of Biden/Harris.
No. of Recommendations: 3
Kakistocracy has been used to describe bad governments since the time of the English Civil War. In a piece by Matthew Cantor in The Guardian, he wrote:
… the term has been around since at least 1644, during the English civil war, when a sermon warned of “a mad kinde of Kakistocracy” looming.
Its roots, of course, go back even further – it’s borrowed from the Greek kakistos, or “worst”, which itself probably comes from the Proto-Indo-European word kakka, meaning “to defecate”.
In other words, as Nancy Friedman wrote at her Substack on language in 2016, “you could say that kakistocracy is ‘government by the shitty’.”
No. of Recommendations: 1
More recycling links from the bubble
No. of Recommendations: 7
LM:<asy choice after four miserable years of Biden/Harris.
Can you describe the miseries you personally endured the last 4 years?
No. of Recommendations: 2
Can you describe the miseries you personally endured the last 4 years?
I live in a bubble. DH and I saw the handwringing on the wall when it was obvious Obama
would win and we prepared to be financial secure, no debt, no mortgage.
We now live in a quaint little Mayberry type town, less than 4,000 population.
(So thankful my family fled NYC years ago)
So we have not suffered personally with the illegal migrant crime, overtaking and crowding schools, parks, medical facilities, quickly built living quarters, taking over whole expensive hotels and the horrendous American tax payer monies to support the illegal aliens.
We (all Americans) have been paying more in taxes, food, gas, and most any goods we buy due to the Biden/Harris don’t have a clue how to govern a Country, not to mention Biden’s dementia and someone (Obama?) controlling Biden’s puppet strings.
Don’t play naive, you know exactly the shithole Biden/Harris has been turning our Country into.
And don’t give me the liberal/democrat cop out it was Trumps fault.
Praise the Lord Kamala Harris lost the election.
No. of Recommendations: 6
Don’t play naive, you know exactly the shithole Biden/Harris has been turning our Country into.
Amazing. The USA is far from a shithole. Have you ever lived in a foreign country? I live in the Philippines for 9+ years. We had FB groups for expats, and you could tell the MAGA types because they would complain and call the natives dumb and stupid. They complained because it wasn't the USA, and when in the USA they complained about other things. They seemed to be naive about the ROW.
I can't tell you how many times they complained about a cashier using a calculator, complaining they were all dumb as rocks. So I'd explain to them that if that till was short at the end of the day, the amount they were short came out of their pay. One woman I know worked in the shoe dept at a department store. At the end of her shift, a pair of display shoes were missing, it got taken out of her pay. And they never understood the concept of face. Where we were living was one of the cleaner parts of the Philippines, but they still complained.
No. of Recommendations: 2
Amazing. The USA is far from a shithole. Have you ever lived in a foreign country? I live in the Philippines
Well, I suppose the sad shape America is in now is still probably better than the Philippines.
Still, the point is America and all the Glory it stands for has deteriorated under Biden/Harris.
President Trump and his love for the America he grew up in is
why he wants to restore what was and M A G A.
No. of Recommendations: 6
LM:<asy choice after four miserable years of Biden/Harris.
Can you describe the miseries you personally endured the last 4 years?
She can tell you after she consults with her right wing media...they will tell her all about it.
No. of Recommendations: 14
President Trump and his love for the America he grew up in is
why he wants to restore what was and M A G A.
I am not sure he ever grew up. But lets pretend he grew up between 1950 to 1970.
So,lets see he wants to restore now to:
Korean war
Vietnam War
Black people not allowed to sit on busses
1955 lynching
Bombing and burning of black churches
Poverty rates twice what they are now.
Vehicle deaths 50% higher per mile driven
No polio vaccine
Smog in LA
Rivers so polluted they could catch on fire
Shall we talk about NY crime, but you are familiar with that as that is where you grew up.
But perhaps is aim is to get what he grew up in, rich white privileged for himself.
No. of Recommendations: 6
President Trump and his love for the America he grew up in is
why he wants to restore what was and M A G A.
How can you be so clueless?
Trump has shown over and over again that he is a narcissist who is always and only out for himself and wouldn't know 'love' if it bit him on the ass.
Would a person who loved this country be too lazy to read the Constitution? Hell, Trump wouldn't even let his advisors READ him the Constitution.
You are in a cult.
No. of Recommendations: 10
Still, the point is America and all the Glory it stands for has deteriorated under Biden/Harris.
President Trump and his love for the America he grew up in is
why he wants to restore what was and M A G A.
The point is that's pretty much what y'all do no matter what country you're in. You complain. MAGA types loved Duterte until he pumped anti American propaganda into the internet. A few left the country. America has done well under Biden, you're being handed a great economy, and we'll be back for a clean up in four years after Trump f@cks it all up.
America's decline is resumed now under Trump. We're going to have a show and if we aren't careful, we'll have a recession. Our reputation has taken a hit worldwide with Trump, and that will continue. If we do Ukraine dirty our trustworthiness will decline even further. I think Trump is likely to be inhumane with his deportation. I hope he doesn't get wild with his tariffs.
No. of Recommendations: 13
I hope he doesn't get wild with his tariffs.
A little piece of me hopes he does, and does it right away.
A great many people don’t seem to be able to learn if they don’t experience it for themselves. The sooner the lesson is taught in the school of hard knocks, the better for all of us.
No. of Recommendations: 3
Everything except "I live in a bubble...we have not suffered personally"
you know... how?
No. of Recommendations: 2
America's decline is resumed now under Trump.
Our reputation has taken a hit worldwide with Trump,
With who? Other left wing goobers like the idiots running Germany and the UK?