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Halls of Shrewd'm / US Policy
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Author: WiltonKnight   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: Dems Hike Electricity Prices
Date: 03/05/2025 12:24 PM
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nnoticed by MAGA when we reach that point- the oligarchs of Mara Lago will still be sipping lattes and chardonney, and sailing their yachts and flying their Gulfstreams to Martinique.

I'm a Biden voter and MAGA.

I've noticed all the oligarch activity.

I take comfort in that they'll pay no taxes into the sorry-ass treasury to take care of sorry-ass culture caused problems.

AND I trust that if a schmuck like me can use the Establishment Created Tax Code to shield my schmuck income.....

These guys are probably DEPRECIATING the YACHTS --- meaning Sheeple is subsidizing the oligarchs.

I love it all so much, I can't even describe it.

And it's gonna get better and better now ....regardless who is President. Sheeple has *no* interest in compromise.

Which is fine. I always said current events are my reply.

I rest my case :) This is all so good and just think - if unemployment were higher and or the stock market was down how much hotter this will get!

These are, the good ol days. I've only started.
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