No. of Recommendations: 2
Generally not.
Which is why the DREAMERs are still illegal, why EFCA is a fever dream, why there were no voting rights bills or Green New Deal or student loan reform or any of a number of passed in Biden's first term, or any of the other myriad disappointments that were hampering Biden's popularity. The list of failures to get things done for Democrats is long and durable.
Then how come Biden keeps forgiving student loans?
Why are DREAMERS still here if they're illegal?
The GOP's main budgetary priorities are only tax cuts. Which also pass - both Trump and Bush got their tax cut bills - but they're not as splashy.
This is the other difference between MAGA and the Establishment: MAGA - at least this part of it *points to Dope1* - wants a fiscally responsible government. What we have now is a looming disaster of debt service that will consume a significant percentage of the federal budget just in interest payments. Which leads to more devaluing of the currency to try to pay it off, which leads to less purchasing power for Americans, so on and so forth.
Establishment Republicans paid lip service to that sort of thing to get elected and then promptly spent like democrats. A lot of us are beyond done with that.
Trump had a pen and a phone, too - he just wasn't very adept at using them.
He wasn't...but Ron DeSantis will be :).