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Author: ptheland 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: Mexico Pres schools Trump
Date: 11/28/2024 11:09 AM
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Schooled, huh.


Past tense, how very conclusive of you.

Yep again. That's the appropriate tense for things that happened in the past, even if the very recent past (as in yesterday).

But don't listen to me, listen to Trump.

Just had a wonderful conversation with the new President of Mexico, Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo. She has agreed to stop Migration through Mexico, and into the United States, effectively closing our Southern Border.

Then compare that to what Pardo said:

You may not be aware that Mexico has developed a comprehensive policy to assist migrants from different parts of the world who cross our territory en route to the southern border of the United States. As a result, and according to data from your country's Customs and Border Protection (CBP), encounters at the Mexico-United States border have decrease by 75% between December 2023 and November 2024. Moreover, half of those who arrive do so through a legally scheduled appointment under the United State's CBP One program.

Comparing the two, she didn't agree to anything. She merely told Trump (she "schooled" him) about what is already happening both in Mexico and the US.

But she goes on:

Even so, it is clear that we must work together to create a new labor mobility model that is necessary for your country, as well as address the root causes that compel families to leave their homes out of necessity. If even a small percentage of what the United States allocates to war were instead dedicated to building peace and fostering development, it would address the underlying causes of human mobility.

Hmmm. Doesn't that sound a lot like what Vice President Harris was working on? Addressing the reasons people were leaving their homes in Central and South America and migrating to the US?

But she goes on:

On another note, and for humanitarian reasons, Mexico has consistently expressed its willingness to help prevent the fentanyl epidemic in the United States from continuing. This is, after all, a public health and consumption problem within your society.

There's more, but I think you should get the point now.

Pardo schooled Trump and sent him home to do some remedial homework. She gave him nothing other than an education and he's claiming victory. What a moron.

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