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Stocks A to Z / Stocks B / Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A)
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Author: palmersq   😊 😞
Number: of 12534 
Subject: Re: 140% “GDP Playing w/Fire”..50% higher?
Date: 12/06/2024 9:11 AM
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Good luck for both of you.

Thanks. Good luck to you too. We'll look back in 3 - 5 years to see how it would unfold.

I much prefer a market crash or a bruising bear market. It would make it so much easier to find bargains. Yet I have no consistent track record of being able to predict near term market behavior in any degree of accuracy. I can only focus on finding good COMPANIES which I judge are selling at reasonable price. I normally pick 5 - 10 stocks in the entire market universe to put 90%+ of my investment money.

p.s. mungofitch still sees DG as screaming bargains (I'm not taking a view on whether it'll be eventually right or wrong). So should one stays out of the "overpriced" market until market valuation under X% of GDP (choose your number) or dive in for the bargain prospect?
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