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Author: WiltonKnight   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: 401K'ERS gone wild
Date: 03/10/2025 5:05 PM
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In high school I learned so many things.

highlights - make your own money so you can go to Merlin's and have a cheeseburger, chile cheese fries with onions and a cherry coke anytime you want without begging parents for money.

Also, befriend the high school radio station manager, the custodians, (Both men are retired in Florida now - one works at Publix we chat often on Facebook lol ) and the rent a cops - - this way when you feel entitled to take all three lunches during the day they are your ally. If you decide to leave the closed campus for lunch, and a Limbaugh radio break----you could do so as much as you want and be busted ONCE in 2 years.

And the most important high school lesson.....

At Blockbuster, the videos with the blue "Youth Restricted" logo on it is the one you wanted BUT....BUT.....if it's got a picture of some chick in a bikini DO NOT GET IT - it's a mirage. It's fake. It's rigged! Seek out a demure cover. Then - read the description and if it has the words "Explore" or "forbidden" --- yes, there will be - girl on girl - the holy grail since before time and well after.

And yeah, oddly this D student had A's in AP Government and marketing lol.

The rest of it is a blur.
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