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Author: Banksy 🐝🐝🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Poor MAGAs Scammed Again...
Date: 02/14/2025 8:36 AM
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I actually feel bad for these folks!

They whine about egg prices while the convicted felon/rapist empties their wallets...

"Investors in Trump’s meme-coin lost $2 billion in just weeks while the Trump family and its partners racked up $100 million in fees."

"Trump is participating in shady crypto schemes that harm investors while at the same time appointing financial regulators who will roll back protections for victims
and who may insulate him and his family from enforcement."

"More than 813,000 crypto wallets have lost a total of $2 billion after buying Trump’s meme-coin."



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Author: PucksFool 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: Poor MAGAs Scammed Again...
Date: 02/14/2025 8:56 AM
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State lotteries, Powerball, MegaMillion, and scratch-offs are really taxes on the innumerate. Trump's crypto scam needs to be added to the list.
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Author: AlphaWolf 🐝🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: Poor MAGAs Scammed Again...
Date: 02/14/2025 12:35 PM
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I actually feel bad for these folks!

Actually, I don’t. I’ve run out of sympathy for stupid people.
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Author: onepoorguy 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: Poor MAGAs Scammed Again...
Date: 02/14/2025 12:36 PM
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Why feel sorry for them? They're -frankly- stupid. On so many levels. But I am still angry that their stupidity put the Felon in the Oval Office, in a key position to gut this country, and slide to authoritarianism. We're already seeing it.

Sort of a resigned anger. I can't do anything about it (neither the Felon, nor the stupidity of the population). So I just hope the MAGA voters suffer tremendously with their choice. I'm not a spiteful person, but I hope they feel real pain. Financial disaster, etc. Then maybe they won't do that again.
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Author: bighairymike   😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: Poor MAGAs Scammed Again...
Date: 02/14/2025 4:21 PM
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So I just hope the MAGA voters suffer tremendously with their choice. - 1pg


Now you are sounding like Jedi. <g>
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Author: onepoorguy 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: Poor MAGAs Scammed Again...
Date: 02/14/2025 5:10 PM
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Now you are sounding like Jedi. <g>

It's not wrong to think that choices have consequences, and that the people making those choices should feel the consequences (good or ill).

I would be genuinely shocked if this administration will produce anything beneficial to "the little guy". "The little guy" makes up most of the population (MAGA and non-MAGA). Inflation is going to impact us all, and "the little guy" will be less able to afford it. Producers that rely on migrant labor (legal or illegal) are very likely to feel some pain. I fully expect to feel pain that is not of my own making, but I'm hoping that MAGA will feel it worse, so they can -maybe- realize that their choice(s) injured them.

They may not care about migrant families (other than not wanting them here), but they will care when their produce doubles in price, there are shortages because no one is there to pick it, companies exploit them because there is no one to enforce (or even impose) protection regulations (e.g. credit card rates, worker safety, food inspection and safety, and a lot of other stuff we never have to think about), and the like.

Insofar as feeling the consequences of decisions, I hope they feel it. I'm expecting it to be a very negative experience for them, since most of them are not part of the Billionaire Boys Club that is packing the administration.

Sad to say, they likely won't feel (directly) the effects of poor foreign policy (like keeping Russia tied-up in Ukraine, or opposing China in the SCS, or maintaining a strong NATO alliance). Those, arguably, will have much more profound long-term consequences that we may not feel for a decade or more.
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Author: weatherman   😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: Poor MAGAs Scammed Again...
Date: 02/14/2025 6:31 PM
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empathy for any MAGA is wasted.

in year 5 for trump, there is no sign MAGA will hold him responsible him for any distress, and more than likely would vote for him again based on their own character preferences.

what are the chances MAGA will swallow any blame deflected elsewhere ? 100%.
and musk is mistaken he could not become a scapegoat as soon as trump forgets any recent monetization of their partnership :
(payoff in a case that trump was going to let expire)

finally, higher income MAGA have no empathy for their lower half brethren..its cuts to former's benefits that will line their pockets. my attempt to meet the GOP halfway across the aisle...is to join them in laughter.
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Author: Banksy 🐝🐝🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: Poor MAGAs Scammed Again...
Date: 02/25/2025 8:36 AM
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The Trump family of criminals continues emptying the wallets of the low information MAGA voters...

Melania Trump's meme coin has performed poorly since its launch. The $MELANIA token debuted at $13.73 per token on January 20, 2025, but has since experienced a free-fall.
As of February 25, 2025, the coin's value has plummeted to $1.60, representing an 88% drop from its initial price.

As Warren Buffett said in his latest annual report: "Our country has forever had many scoundrels and promoters who seek to take advantage of those who mistakenly trust them with
their savings."


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Author: PucksFool 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: Poor MAGAs Scammed Again...
Date: 02/25/2025 9:55 AM
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That story is 21 days old. Just curious, what are the Trump'$ play money at now?
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Author: ges 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: Poor MAGAs Scammed Again...
Date: 02/25/2025 9:58 AM
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As Warren Buffett said in his latest annual report: "Our country has forever had many scoundrels and promoters who seek to take advantage of those who mistakenly trust them with
their savings."

And now we have a family of such scoundrels in the Whitehouse!
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Author: g0177325   😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: Poor MAGAs Scammed Again...
Date: 02/25/2025 10:03 AM
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Still bleeding. From


Official Melania Meme
26.01% (1d)

12.72% (1d)
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Author: Banksy 🐝🐝🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: Poor MAGAs Scammed Again...
Date: 02/25/2025 10:05 AM
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That story is 21 days old. Just curious, what are the Trump'$ play money at now?

Looks like the price of Melanias Scam-coin today is $0.90 per token.

The losing continues...

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Author: weatherman   😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: Poor MAGAs Scammed Again...
Date: 02/25/2025 2:06 PM
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i disagree.
trump mafia has made >$100m , in REAL dollars, on fees.
and it only cost MAGA $2b in losses, what a bargain!
any owned meme sales is grift gravy, but its at least the initial float.
its not headline billions, but likely far above most\all trump's genius bizman ventures.

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Author: PucksFool 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: Poor MAGAs Scammed Again...
Date: 02/26/2025 5:20 AM
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Thanks for checking for me. I looked at the one month charts, so just a few days after the inauguration, and there is only one word to describe them.


If this was an investment I would feel bad for the people who bought it early. It isn't though. It is just a way to pay bribes to the Felon in Chief.
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