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Stocks A to Z / Stocks B / Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A)
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Author: Said   😊 😞
Number: of 12641 
Subject: Re: I bet against BRK
Date: 07/20/2024 1:42 PM
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No. of Recommendations: 4
Please share with us what strike & expiration?
Kind of "All of them":

12/20/2024 $410
12/20/2024 $415
01/17/2025 $400
01/17/2025 $420
01/17/2025 $430
03/21/2025 $400
03/21/2025 $410
06/20/2025 $390
06/20/2025 $400
01/16/2026 $400

Equal $ amounts for all expiration dates.

As buying for me is always much easier than selling I put my "sales plan" in a formula to avoid becoming too greedy and in hope of getting more and more to miss out on good selling opportunities before the wind turns again (happened before). The plan: Starting from $420 on downwards in $5 steps to sell around 10% of what's currently(!) invested in those puts (selling at $420, then at $415, at $410), using profit% + remaining duration as the criterions for selecting which ones to sell. That's the plan, all that's needed now is for Berkshire's price to nicely go down until at $370 the last puts will be sold --- at which point some calls will be bought, but especially lots of Berkshire shares. Easy, isn't it? We'll see how much this nice plan will be shattered by the hard hand of reality.

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