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Stocks A to Z / Stocks B / Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A)
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Author: Munger_Disciple   😊 😞
Number: of 12641 
Subject: Re: SIRI
Date: 10/12/2024 5:59 PM
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No. of Recommendations: 3
Munger_Disciple thank you for that sobering analysis. It sounds like the facts of the matter. A slow decline. The only question is: how slow. The current FCF and 8 multiple is probably attractive but it’s a cigar butt.

Yo are welcome @EVBigMacMeal. Don't forget the leverage associated with SIRI before getting too excited about FCF. Malone's mode of operation is to load up all his companies to the t*ts which bit him in the a$$ many times. Sometime I wonder if he prefers his companies to go bankrupt than pay taxes (which the company does if it runs with a prudent leverage). So you always have that risk with a Malone controlled business.
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