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Author: commonone 🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 41628 
Subject: Re: The courts can't seem to stop him
Date: 03/17/2025 2:07 PM
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LurkerMom: “Sorry, I fall in line with Americans who want the rapist... Oh, and to finish my thought... I want these low life's Biden invited into America outta here!

You voted for a rapist.

And you support King Donald welcoming Andrew Tate and his brother Tristan into the U.S. despite their facing rape and human trafficking charges.

Three of King Donald's Cabinet selections have faced allegations of sexual misconduct: Matt Gaetz, Pete Hegseth and Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

King Donald was Jeffrey Epstein's BFF for years.

LurkerMom: Amazing the left here sides with the judge who wants to keep the illegal trash in our country to continue with their disgusting ways hurting American citizens.

No, we side with the Constitution and the law. You, though, side with King Donald who believes that courts have no authority to review or restrict him from deporting immigrants. That theory, if accepted, would mark the end of constitutional democracy.

As always, you're on the wrong side of the fight.


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