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Author: EchotaSheeple   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Blue City Murder-PlayDate
Date: 09/08/2024 10:42 AM
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No need to call it a "massacre" because for Blue Cities it's normal.

And it's equally normal for White Liberals who love population control - whether it's via Planned Parenthood or gun violence to not even mention it.

This week's Blue City Recreational Activity:


"Murder suspect in Chicago train mass shooting is ordered held without bond. ‘This defendant defines violent,’ judge says"

Racist Blue State. If the defendant was white he'd be sent n a shopping spree and a spa day while he awaits trial.

Now to the score: (Score. as of now American lives are political. Not human lives.)


The Chicago man who was charged with murder in the fatal shootings of four Chicago train riders earlier this week was ordered held without bond at his first court appearance Wednesday.

FOUR IS THE SCORE - hey that rhymes. Another Blue State play-date.

It's not the defendant's fault. If only he'd have had "$5 an hour!!!" and we'd have taxed unrealized capital gains this wouldn't have happened right?

Anyways, 4! It's an even number so have a drink and go for 5 to hit the leader board.

My only beef is this guy didn't pull this stuff in a nice, White Liberal enclave.
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