No. of Recommendations: 1
The history of the hatred of Jews is too long, too vicious, and too present. It is a despicable stain on our collective species. In turn, most disappointingly and sadly, Israel has visited a similar oppression on the Palestinians. Where the peace offers as the West Bank is continuously usurped? Where is the hand held out in friendship with Gaza as it has no autonomy? people live their entire lives never leaving that little strip of land.
Hamas was elected in 2008. There has not been another election allowed since. Hamas is not one thing. There is a body that endeavors to govern, there is a charitable arm, and there is a militant wing. Israel will punish the entire community and not differentiate. I believe that they are lobbing shells and dropping bombs to the maximum extent they believe they can get away with in the eyes of the world community. If Egypt would allow it, they would drive all 2 million Gazans into the Sinai. When has Israel ever treated the Palestinians any better?