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Author: ges 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41621 
Subject: Our criminal POTUS
Date: 03/17/2025 8:46 AM
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Defies the law.

Law and order President? LMAO.

Trump Defies Judge, Deports Brown University Doctor to Lebanon

What Happened: Dr. Rasha Alawieh, a Brown University medical professor and kidney specialist with a legal work visa, was deported to Lebanon despite a U.S. judge blocking her removal. Judge Leo Sorokin has called an emergency hearing to determine if Customs and Border Protection "willfully" defied his ruling.

Why It Matters: The regime’s blatant defiance of court orders highlights an escalating assault on judicial authority. By deporting a legal immigrant despite a judge’s ruling, Trump is testing the limits of unchecked executive power—an authoritarian move that will have severe consequences for the rule of law and due process.

Source: Reuters
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