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Author: onepoorguy 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: Hamas "TERRORISTS!"
Date: 10/07/2024 12:23 PM
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Funny thing- when I moved from Texas to Michigan 21 years ago, I bemoaned the lack of Tex-Mex up here,...

I would suppose it depends where you are. Detroit is a major city. Kingston (where I spent a year when I was a child) isn't. You'd be more likely to find a genuine Mexican eatery in Detroit.

I recall we hired a guy at my company who had never lived outside the northeast. His idea of "Mexican food" was Taco Bell. Seriously. When we had group lunches and went to local Mexican restaurants, he'd try to get a burger (they could usually do it for him). It took years before he would order something from the menu. Humorously, he married a Thai woman a few years after he was hired. He was eating pad see ew before he was eating chimichangas.

FYI: Taco Bell is NOT Mexican food. I used to think it was tasty until I got the real deal.
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