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Author: WiltonKnight   😊 😞
Number: of 41628 
Subject: They working Abortion
Date: 11/03/2024 3:30 PM
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As I've said 2 years - it's their best issue.

Just had a door knock so I answer it. Woman with clipboard asks for my Wife I politely say "she's not here" - cause she isn't.

Lady actually sticks her head sort of between door and inside my house "where is she"?

Me: She's out enjoying life with my daughter. They're buying shit they don't need and hopefully having a good lunch"

Her: "Oh"

LMAO then I saw Wifey's car starting to come up the road - house is on a hill. Lady goes down the driveway....I guess I forgot to holler "hey, that's her, she's right there" and the birdbrain walks right past the car when you see it pulling into the drive way lol.

But, point remains: The Dems are wisely targeting people with their get out the vote. This reminds me of Bush and Karl Rove in 2004...only they didn't have this kind of technology like we do now.

I assume lady will be back, she seemed very passionate - borderline angry.

She'll be happy - Wifey will tell her that she's voting Harris and that young DD wants to go with her just to see how it all works.

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