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Author: DTB   😊 😞
Number: of 12641 
Subject: Re: NY Times on auto insurance
Date: 09/28/2024 3:26 PM
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"Tara tried most of the same comparison sites, and it felt like all roads led back to Flo — maybe Progressive was one of the few carriers still seeking new business? It came closest to her rate at GEICO but still cost more for less coverage." USAA was also unbeatable.

As Buffett once said, "It's a 2 horse race, and we've got a very good horse." And as Munger replied, "Every once in a while, someone is a little better at something than we are." Buffett: "Yeah, I'd settle for 2nd place in a lot of businesses." (Or #3, if you count USAA). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=939ouZNjJJY

Speaking of which, for people who are familiar with USAA, any idea why USAA always does so well? Is it that military people are very low risk, and GEICO and Progressive are not using that info to set rates? Is USAA very low cost, because they don't need to advertise? Or something else that explains their longstanding success, in the small part of the market they occupy?

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