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Author: wzambon 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41628 
Subject: Re: Djt and the action on Trump,
Date: 10/08/2024 10:34 PM
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You want the guy with the brain worm who cheated on his then-wife Mary Richardson Kennedy -- who committed suicide when she learned of his obsessive infidelity -- with 37 different women in one year, photographed himself with a dead bear that he had initially planned to eat but instead dumped in Central Park because he thought it would be funny, sawed the head off a beached whale in front of his seven-year-old daughter and then tied it to the roof of the family van, has a Gaddafiesque obsession with exotic animals, became one of the leading proponents of the destructive, evidence-free idea that childhood vaccines cause autism, believes that mass shootings are caused by antidepressants, argued that the coronavirus was "no worse than the flu" and should have been allowed to rip freely through the population, and that the virus was engineered to spare Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese people "should be in either administration"?

He makes a fine addition to the Mar-a-lago Menagerie.
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