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Stocks A to Z / Stocks B / Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A)
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Author: CrankyCharlie   😊 😞
Number: of 12516 
Subject: Re: OT: a caution to Manlobbi
Date: 01/19/2025 6:37 PM
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No but I can think and analyze.

Let's examine facts:

1). Bill Gates abruptly resigned from boards of MSFT and Berkshire.
2). Melinda Gates files for divorce and sites Epstein ties.
3). Bill Gates repeatedly met with Epstein and travelled to Epstein Island.
4). Bill Gates massive ties to Fauci, NIH, vaccines and pre-pandemic planning event.
5). Bill Gates admits "it was a mistake having dinner with Epstein".
6). WEB abruptly distances himself from Gates and changes BRKA gifting.

IS THIS POLITICAL? IS IT NOT TRUE WEB IS CLOSELY ASSOCIATED WITH GATES and that can impact reputation of Buffett and therefore, Berkshire itself? *Who will retain the greatest VOTING block post WEB's passing?

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