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Author: weatherman   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: What Destroying The Economy Looks Like
Date: 03/04/2025 4:30 PM
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would not make much of the tariffs...look at trump years 1-4. trump has the propensity to back off from china, and after retribution, mexico and china may go up or down some small amount.
let's not forget trump's ability to change his tariff stance on any grift or whim. someone the genius trusts must have informed him that coffee tariffs, for a nation that needs much more global warming to grow it ourselves, is a bad idea. but this was a rarity.

what has changed is any notion that trump is responsible for ever-escalating level of prices across all things MAGA once cared about ; eggs, cars, houses...
this not hair-splitting over the rate of these increases to technically define inflation, but even that will apply in some cases.
this is the complete opposite of trump somehow lowering prices back to his 'great again' days. so what if MAGA is feeling it? the 24\7 media is basically silent compared to the pre-election cudgeling of biden.

so according to the gop, not only is the economy doing much better, but there is every chance prices will go down. and if\when it happens, trump will forbid it being called a recession.

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