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Author: very stable genius   😊 😞
Number: of 41628 
Subject: Biden VS Trump: What A Difference!
Date: 05/05/2024 9:08 AM
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Joe Biden was a Professor!

"Penn has many different models of professorships." Ron Ozio, the university’s director of media relations.
"Not all are tenure-track and involve teaching regular classes. Some are clinicians, some are researchers, and others are professors of the practice, the category that applied to President Biden."
"President Biden was phenomenally successful." Ozio said, "He helped to expand the university’s global outreach, while sharing his wisdom and insights with thousands of Penn students
through University-wide events, talks and classroom visits."

And Donald Trump swindled "students" at his Scam University!

"Trump settles fraud case against Trump University for $25M."
"More than 5,000 people across the country who paid Donald Trump $40 million to teach them his hard-sell tactics got a hard lesson in bait-and-switch.
Mr. Trump used his celebrity status and personally appeared in commercials making false promises to convince people to spend tens of thousands of dollars
they couldn't afford for lessons they never got."
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