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Author: UpNorthJoe   😊 😞
Number: of 41628 
Subject: Re: 2 minutes on why some tariffs
Date: 03/15/2025 9:43 PM
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"It is possible that the shop classes have moved to a regional program rather than each high school having its own."

for my area:
"**** **** is a career and technical education school serving more than twenty high schools and over 1,100 juniors and seniors in the five-county"

( 1100 jr's and sr's )/ ( 20 high schools )= 55 students per HS.

I graduated in the late 70s, sure seemed like there were a whole lot more than 55 kids
taking shop classes in my HS. And I totally get that with automation, not as many are
needed. But a lot of those kids will wash out, also. I took some woodshop classes
via local college, and it was half older people, and half actual college age students
in the classes. I was kind of blown away with how for the majority of the youngsters,
it looked like the first time they had ever ran a tablesaw, or a planer or a jointer, or a router.

A couple of them were right at home with it all. Most were much, much more adept at using
their i-phones. And the youngsters were all going for either certificates in construction/building related areas, or going for Associates Degrees in it. So they should have had some background.

Oh well, I'm not in the workforce, this is all MAGA's problem to fix, since they're the
ones breaking everything.
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