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Author: Dope1   😊 😞
Number: of 41628 
Subject: Re: Priorities
Date: 10/25/2024 7:00 PM
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What is her top economic priority?

Going after "price gouging" and pursuing an "opportunity economy". Those are the 2 things she and most democrats downticket are talking about.

She has to walk a very fine line: if she acknowledges that she has Top Priorities to help the economy she's tacitly admitting that Bidenomics has warts. So she has to, as you've noted...largely not say much.

To the degree she's willing to say something, she has to pin the blame on *anybody* but her Administration. Hence the "price gouging" that is allegedly driving the inflation we've experienced. Anyone who knows rudimentary supply and demand knows that isn't true, but it's the best and only card they have to play and thus...she's playing it.

The "opportunity economy" plays to the democrats' normal vision of class economic distinctions and is an appeal to working class voters.
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