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Author: Dope1   😊 😞
Number: of 41607 
Subject: Bbbut illegals don't vote
Date: 09/14/2024 3:49 PM
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The usual logic is that illegals don't vote because it's illegal for them to vote in federal elections.

Think about that statement, and the cognitive dissonance buried in it. For those who don't get it...they already broke a host of laws to get here in the first place. What's one more?

Anyways, the next line is that they don't get registered to vote Because Reasons. But is even that accurate? Turns out...no:


PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — Oregon officials acknowledged Friday that the state mistakenly registered more than 300 non-citizens as voters since 2021 in what they described as a “data entry issue” that happened when people applied for driver’s licenses.

How many other "data entry issues" are out there?
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