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Author: Lapsody   😊 😞
Number: of 41587 
Subject: Trump Campaign Admits...
Date: 09/21/2024 2:12 PM
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SNIP Trump Campaign Admits They’re “Totally F*cked”

Donald Trump made the decision to disable the Republican Party’s get-out-the-vote operation, which means that in large swaths of the country, Trump has no operation on the ground...

...Then there’s the ground game. “We are totally f*cked in the field,” said a campaign source. “Whoever takes over the Southwest states has to start from scratch and it’s nearly f*cking October.”

As I’ve reported, the Trump campaign took a big gamble when they dismantled the R.N.C.’s ground operation and chose to outsource to super PACs, including Elon Musk’s America PAC. Now, in the final sprint to Election Day, there are mounting fears about Mar-a-Lago being in business with Phil Cox and Generra Peck, who were intimately involved in DeSantis’s failed PAC-campaign choreography and are now quarterbacking Musk’s operation. As I noted two weeks ago, there have been concerns inside Trumpworld ever since Cox and Peck fired the original canvassing vendors late in the game in July and replaced them with their own. Now The New York Times is reporting that Cox and Peck have fired another canvassing group, this time in the battleground states of Arizona and Nevada, leaving new vendors less than two months to knock on doors, collect data, and do digital advertising. (A source familiar with the PAC’s efforts countered that the change will help them to scale.)

Trump made the decision to save more money that he could put into his coffers to get rid of the Republican get-out-the-vote operation and outsource it to outside conservative groups.

This plan has been a disaster. The groups don’t have the resources to run a full ground operation for Trump, because of legal limits on how funds can be spent, so while Kamala Harris has thousands of field offices and thousands of staffers in the swing states alone, Donald Trump is holding rallies and hoping that hearing from him is enough to get his voters to the polls. SNIP

Trump hires nothing but the best, makes the best decisions, runs the best campaigns, if he loses it's because the Demoncrats cheated. The DEMS are stealing the election as we speak. Camelard is already secretly fixing the voting machines in Venezuela. Millions of illegals are pouring in to vote in the election. It's fixed I Tell ya! Fixed!

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Author: WatchingTheHerd HONORARY
  😊 😞

Number: of 41587 
Subject: Re: Trump Campaign Admits...
Date: 09/21/2024 2:46 PM
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Trump made the decision to save more money that he could put into his coffers to get rid of the Republican get-out-the-vote operation and outsource it to outside conservative groups.


This is another example of how Citizens United hasn't enabled more "political speech," it has simply enabled more political grift. There are only so many voters in the country. There are only so many waking hours per day those voters are available to encounter advertising of any kind. Advertising is no different than seeding a yard. If you have 12,000 square feet and want to ensure the seed takes root, you can buy one 80 pound bag, try to spread it evenly around the 12,000 square feet and take your chances. Or you can buy two or three 80-pound bags and spread that evenly. Or you can buy one thousand bags and spread the seed three inches deep. But there is still only so much grass that can take root per square inch. Spending for more than two or three bags doesn't improve the outcome.

By eliminating any limit on spending in political campaigns, Citizens United created a mechanism by which rich donors could overspend well beyond effective limits for actual POLITICAL influence with the PUBLIC and convert that spending into corruption of both politicians and their cronies. Spending $50 million on a Senate campaign instead of "only" $10 million allows a politician to pick a buddy as a campaign manager who works for 10% of the "ad buy" who then nets ten percent of $50 million ($5 million) for doing no more than was needed for a $10 million campaign that would have paid $1 million. The campaign manager gets to hire other friends and family to spread out that $5 million yet there are only maybe twenty Senate races in the country that are competitive. What value do the campaign managers provide in the other eighty races for their $5 million? NONE.

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