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Author: WEBspired 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: TIPS?
Date: 03/07/2025 11:26 PM
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“Yes. I plan on being retired sometime during the kid's med school, so it could work out.

Funnily enough, she's in the last semester of undergrad and her 529 plan currently has more money in it than when she started, thanks to this bull market we have enjoyed (and a cheap in-state school with merit scholarships).”

Wow, Congrats to her and you & the growth of her 529 plan! It’s of course a long road with some opportunity cost. I enjoyed a 30-year career in medicine and now enjoying the less stressful next chapter.

Luckily I front-loaded my couple middle schoolers’ Fidelity 529 (NH s&p Index) and markets have been pretty good over this time I’ve only continued to fund them in a limited way the last couple of years.

Crazy- our school’s tuition has nearly doubled over 7 years, way exceeding the standard rate of inflation, of course. Hard to know how big to grow the 529s nowadays given how tuition is soaring and uncertainty wrt grad school.
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