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Author: Umm 🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 41628 
Subject: Re: Fearless Prediction
Date: 10/01/2024 3:19 PM
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"Fearless prediction: If Harris wins. In 2028 The GOP nominee won't be Trump. And the Left will be has personal and as nasty and as angry about that person as they are now. - Jedi

Unsurprisingly, you allow your irrational hatred of all things liberal to cloud your views. You allow it to cloud your judgement and make you say batshit crazy things.

Bush (or Romney or McCain) wasn't treated any different by their political enemies than Obama (or Gore, or Clinton or Kerry) were treated by their political enemies. Both sides would strongly dislike (even outright hate), spread rumors and spin whatever flaws they could find (real or imagined) for advantage. Obviously you won't be able to see this because you are blinded by your irrational hate, but it was there as well. It happens on both sides. That is the nature of politics.

Bush didn't have it any worse than Obama. You don't see it because you were the one engaging in it against Obama. Just like you are incapable of seeing how you are doing it against Biden and now Harris.

Trump is different. None of the other Republican nominees were threats to Democracy. Sure liberals will say bad things about the Republican nominee in 2028. Republicans will say bad things about the Democratic nominee in 2028. That is politics. The dislike of Trump goes beyond that. It is more than politics. It is about the future of the democracy. To prove this, all you have to do is realize that it isn't just liberals saying this. It is independents, moderates, and even conservative Republicans. There are literally hundreds of high-level Republicans some who worked under Trump and some who worked in other Republican administrations all coming out and saying that Trump is unfit for office. That is just normal politics or disagreement about policy. It is beyond that.

Maybe I can see this because I don't have an irrational hatred about one side or the other like you do.
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