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Halls of Shrewd'm / US Policy
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Author: albaby1 🐝🐝 HONORARY
  😊 😞

Number: of 41813 
Date: 09/12/2024 4:20 PM
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After a lot of months, a lot of court hearings, and a lot of cash outlays to pay a lot of lawyers. Time is on my side, as they say.

Not really. They'd have their legal defense funds from partisans who wanted to stop you, and some of them might be represented by the union.

It's hard for government to fire people. It's one of the things that conservatives often complain about. It's very hard for government to fire people wrongfully in political retribution, which is what you want to do.

Security clearances are a privilege.

So what? So are driver's licenses. That doesn't mean that the government gets to withhold that privilege arbitrarily. If someone meets the criteria for issuing a security clearance, you can't just refuse to give it to them simply because they signed a letter you didn't like.

Being willing to discuss intelligence matters in the way they did using the veneer of the federal government to issue something that looks like an official position of said government? Beyond fireable.

Did they do that? Is there any indication that they tried to make their letter look like it was issued by the federal government?

These 51 arseholes messed with the bull. Now they can bend over and take the horns. All it takes is someone willing to wave the red cape.

Your little revenge fantasy is based on a mistaken belief that there's nothing protecting government employees from "the bull," which in this case is a new Administration seeking to exact political retribution based on lawful activities outside of work.
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