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Author: AdrianC   😊 😞
Number: of 12677 
Subject: Kerfuffle at FFRF
Date: 01/01/2025 11:58 AM
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Not good.

Jerry Coyne (biologist):

When I wrote yesterday about my critique of Kat Grant’s “What is a woman?” piece, a critique published on the Freedom from Religion Foundation’s (FFRF) website, I had no idea that what I wrote was being removed by the FFRF at that moment! I’m not going into a long exegesis here, as I’ll have more to say about this affair elsewhere. But here are the relevant links:

“What is a woman?“: The original FFRF post on Freethought Today! by Kat Grant, an intern with the FFRF.

“Biology is not bigotry“: My response to Grant’s piece on Freethought Today!. The link is an archived one because the original post is gone.

Coyne, Pinker and now Dawkins have resigned from the Honorary Board of FFRF over it.
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Author: PinotPete   😊 😞
Number: of 12677 
Subject: Re: Kerfuffle at FFRF
Date: 01/06/2025 2:37 PM
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Coyne, Pinker and now Dawkins have resigned from the Honorary Board of FFRF over it.

The original article was imprudent, stupid even, but when a member responds to it and it is taken down, counterproductive to the FFRF mission.

It is one thing when a Shrewd board takes on non-topical subjects (as we do here from time to time), but when an organization whose primary/sole purpose to promote logic over religion publishes this crap, it is self-defeating.

The original stupid article, "What is a Woman", should never have been published at FFRF unless it was to point out that a woman is not a rib.

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