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Author: onepoorguy 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41628 
Subject: Re: OK Opens Bidding for Classroom Bibles
Date: 10/04/2024 1:09 PM
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Hopefully someone files a lawsuit and seeks an injunction. I would assume the ACLU? Blatantly unconstitutional.

I didn't realize it at the time, but when I was in junior high they had a class "Bible as Literature" that was an attempt to sneak the Bible into the classroom. I was a nominal xian then (didn't go to church much, but didn't question the beliefs that I knew about). I was on the advanced track in English (yeah, they did tracking then, also), and it was required on that track. But we had to provide our own bible (KJV).

As a side note, it sorta backfired in my case. When you actually read the thing, even as a 12-13yr old, I was spotting things that didn't make sense. The book of Job? A capricious god that wanted to win a bet? Noah's Ark? How did they fit all those animals into a boat? How did the koala bear make it from Australia to get on the boat? Thus started by journey to atheism.

As someone once said, a good cure for religion is to read their scriptures entirely. Don't skip around, cherry picking. Start from page 1 and read it all.
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