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Author: g0177325 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41607 
Subject: Election ballot questions
Date: 09/30/2024 3:14 PM
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So, I filled out my vote-by-mail ballot for NY today, and:

1. I notice there are two lines with identical candidates for all office: Republican and Conservative. But there's only one line for Democratic candidates. That strikes me as unfair. Why do republicans get two? Shouldn't there at least be a "Liberal" line that duplicates all the Democratic line candidates?

Note: well, there is the "Working Families" line that duplicates the Democratic candidates for Pres/Veep and Senator, but the rest of the offices are blank.

2. For all he judge positions - Supreme, County, Family, District - there's only one candidate name for Democratic, Republican and Conservative, and they're all the same. Are all the judges running unopposed? Are judges not party affiliated?

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