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- Manlobbi
Halls of Shrewd'm / US Policy
No. of Recommendations: 1
I really don't have a dog in this fight. He's protesting murderous manipulating entities. BUT it's funny how he picks America, and American universities like so many "America sucks" people seem to do.
BUT he's a resident alien, a legal permanent resident. To me, it's 2+2=4 ---the man is a legal resident, and he was protesting.
As someone who actually likes the Bill of Rights -not a fairweather friend of "Demoracy!" like Sheeple 401K'ers.....I feel this man should be released - and compensated for the ordeal.
I don't follow news in detail so if he was plotting stuff or holding people up -- that's different. But just for his views? Nope. The America that used to exist said "I hate what you say, but I will defend your right to say it".
No. of Recommendations: 2
As someone who actually likes the Bill of Rights -not a fairweather friend of "Demoracy!" like Sheeple 401K'ers.....I feel this man should be released - and compensated for the ordeal.
I read about this also. As long as he is a peaceful protester, there is no legitimate cause to detain him. He was exercising one of the rights that encourage people to come here (because often they
can't speak out in their countries of origin).
As usual, the administration of the Felon is violating the Constitution.
I agree with your statement: The America that used to exist said "I hate what you say, but I will defend your right to say it". That is so basic, but apparently MAGA only agrees with that if you agree with the Felon.'s lawyers asked a federal judge to declare ICE's actions in Khalil's case unlawful, and that he be returned to New York, where his wife is.
Jesse Furman, the U.S. district judge in the Southern District of New York, on Monday said the U.S. government could not deport Khalil from the United States until there is a ruling on the petition.
No. of Recommendations: 1
I read about this also. As long as he is a peaceful protester, there is no legitimate cause to detain him. He was exercising one of the rights that encourage people to come here (because often they can't speak out in their countries of origin).Details are largely unconfirmed, and this might be wrong - but most recent stories report that the government is relying on a provision of the Immigration and Nationality Act that bars aliens whose activities in the U.S. might have a "potentially serious adverse foreign policy consequence" under 8 USC 1182(a)(3)(C):
An alien whose entry or proposed activities in the United States the Secretary of State has reasonable ground to believe would have potentially serious adverse foreign policy consequences for the United States is inadmissible. short, we reserve the right to deny entry or throw out any alien whose presence or activities in the U.S. are causing real foreign policy problems for us. So if the U.S. is trying to achieve some foreign policy goal with the country of, say, Albabia - and there's some alien whose activities are causing a huge headache for the U.S. in those U.S.-Albabian relations - the U.S. can revoke their status and toss them out. This would certainly seem to cover, and indeed be
intended to cover, activities that would be protected by the First Amendment when engaged in by a U.S. citizen.
Is it constitutional? Dunno. It's certainly permissible to
deny entry to someone who you think is going to engage in First Amendment-protected activities that are going to piss off the Albabian government - that person has no First Amendment rights, since they're not yet in the country. Whether that continues to support a right of ejectment once they're already in the country is a more complicated question....
No. of Recommendations: 2
What's hilarious is that YET AGAIN the democrats have landed on the wrong side of an 80/20 issue.
NO, you don't have some special reason to be allowed to stay if you're on a student visa or have a Green Card. If you're going to play the stupid game of simping for a terrorist organization that loves to kill Americans, then we're going to yank your paperwork and throw your a$$ out of the country. Simple.
But the dems...don't see it that way. I guess to the left that's a feature, not a bug.
No. of Recommendations: 2
Whether that continues to support a right of ejectment once they're already in the country is a more complicated question....
He's on a visa. His green card is as a result of that visa.
Which means...he's a guest. A particularly annoying one that likes to fart on the couch, use his fingers to eat all the pudding and drinks the last beer. We're well within our rights to send him packing.
No. of Recommendations: 18
He's on a visa. His green card is as a result of that visa.
Which means...he's a guest. A particularly annoying one that likes to fart on the couch, use his fingers to eat all the pudding and drinks the last beer. We're well within our rights to send him packing.
No, he's not a guest, and he's not on a visa. Being a lawful permanent resident is different than merely having a visa, which is why he gets to go in front of an immigration judge before being deported. The government will have to prove that he's doing more than just farting on the couch - it's not discretionary to revoke a green card.
He's a lawful resident, and is thus entitled to a lot of protections under the Constitution. Whether this runs afoul of those protections is a complicated question, one that I don't know the answer to. But I do know that revoking a green card requires more than the government just deciding that they would prefer he not be here.
No. of Recommendations: 2
HI Dope1......
Trump Tower had protestors inside it --demanding release of this man.
Did you see ready about that?
My point: We continue kissing the as of those who kick ours.
And in the meantime, we're gonna lose Dearborn----in a state called Michigan. It was the beginning of such a marvelous political dance.
No. of Recommendations: 1
Which means...he's a guest. A particularly annoying one that likes to fart on the couch, use his fingers to eat all the pudding and drinks the last beer. We're well within our rights to send him packing.
No. of Recommendations: 8
I think we can conclude the charges are TRUMPed up BS, as he is accused of fostering and abetting Hamas, when in reality he protested the ongoing treatment, (substitute here the term of your choice, ethnic cleansing, genocide, etc.) of Palestinians at large. It is dishonest to conflate Palestinians in general with Hamas, and illegal under international law to punish all Palestinians collectively.
No. of Recommendations: 0
So from now on, when Berlin or Hamburg or Paris are bombed, and if it's an ISIS acolyte, it's quite all right to loudly protest and say "Stop the racism. Make up for the colonizing. End the Hijab bans" and shout and write gleefully .
Fully agree.
That's not aiding and abetting ISIS just like what this young man did was not aiding and abetting Hamas - the fact that it came after Israel retaliated for civilians being taken and killed ---doesn't matter.
Cool---same standard for Europe.
Im in.
No. of Recommendations: 2
He helped take over a university building and hold people inside, didn't he? That's some law breaking.
Throw him out. Let him head back to Syria and enjoy life there.
No. of Recommendations: 3
First they came for LGBTQ
and I was not LGBTQ
so I said nothing.
And then they came for a Palestinian who spoke out
and I was not a Palestinian who spoke out
so I said nothing
Do you see where this is going?
No. of Recommendations: 1
And then they came for a legal resident alien who spoke out for Palestinians
and I was not a legal resident alien who spoke out for Palestinians
so I said nothing