No. of Recommendations: 22
I don't check in very often, and I post even less frequently these days. Life's recent challenges have taught me that there are far more important things to spend one's time on than chat boards.
I've always enjoyed your posts, deal, especially your focus on how a slow and steady approach to investing has served you well. I enjoy Mungofitch's posts as well. You each offer different things. Yours remind me of grandpa's comforting talks about life and the roads best taken. Jim's tend to be more educational than philosophical, which is the primary reason I've frequented these boards all these years.
Jim's ideas have been hit or miss over the years, but when they miss you can usually see why in the progression of the assumptions he clearly articulates. Carmax is flat for me, but I expect the idea to work out. DG is retail, so I've avoided it. Been burned by retail in the past. I've been buying tech when it bottomed recently'GOOG, amzn, adbe and meta to name four'and they've worked out well relative to many of Jim's suggestions. But who cares?
Your philosophical posts, while valuable, don't really help in finding the nuggets many of us are panning for around here. In fact, if I share one complaint with you it's that the board doesn't see as many value investment ideas floated as once happened on the old fool board. It would be nice if the board embraced idea vetting once again.
Having said this, I'm just wondering why the board posting trends have gotten so under your skin? Post ideas if you have them. Back them up with sound equity analysis. I know I'd be interested. Otherwise, take a hike with your wife, enjoy the life force that flows through us all, and don't worry about what the cool kids are doing.