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Author: ptheland 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: Darth Vader voting for Harris!!
Date: 09/06/2024 5:16 PM
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I *never* would have thought that we'd see the day where PA libs are celebrating the Cheney family.

And Dopey continues with the deliberate spin or complete ignorance of the world around him.

No one is celebrating the Cheney family. They are acknowledging that even Dick and Liz are smart enough to see how bad Trump is.

Which leaves us wondering why others aren't aware of that. Are they deliberately turning a blind eye to the facts, or are they just plain stupid. Sometimes is pretty easy to tell. (Blind eye: most office holding politicians. Just plain stupid: most MAGAts.)

You can fix those turning a blind eye. But it's well known you can't fix stupid. And there's an awful lot of stoopid running loose all over the country, and even posting their stoopid on internet discussion boards.

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