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Author: albaby1 🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 41628 
Subject: Re: Priorities
Date: 10/25/2024 8:24 PM
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The ads I've seen (and I deliberately don't consume ads, as much as possible) would indicate that her top economic priority is lowering taxes on the middle class (with an implication they will go up on the wealthy), and NOT impose the "Trump sales tax" (i.e. tariff).

I'm not really talking about the ads (her campaign will pick and choose which ads run the most often, and probably based on testing). I'm wondering about her priorities.

Trump is very good about communicating his. He may be a liar, but we can all feel pretty comfortable that we genuinely know what issues really motivate him. He cares a lot about immigration and border control - his #1 non-economic issue. On economics, he's deeply, committedly at heart a protectionist/mercantilist. He genuinely disagrees with the idea of a neutral global playing field that gives every country a fair chance equally in every market; his view is that since we're one of the biggest and strongest economies, we should use that uneven strength to our advantage in global trade.

Harris is very good at communicating her depth of feeling about abortion. It's obviously her #1 non-economic issue. But does she have a similar commitment to anything relating to the economy? Obama put health care reform at the top of the list. Whether you agree with him or not, you know Bernie Sanders also feels passionately about his Medicare for All proposal. Warren oriented her political priorities around finance and banking reform. But I'm hard pressed to think of what Harris would put at the top of her list.
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