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Author: Lambo 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 12434 
Subject: Re: BRK: Why Not XOM?
Date: 12/28/2024 12:41 PM
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No. of Recommendations: 22
You don't even need to be smart to figure this out anymore.

It is irrefutable and giant is awake.

And this is the "tell" Charlie. Most reasonable people's position is that it's possible to come from the lab, but everything points to the source being animals and not the lab, so we think it's very highly likely that it came from the animals. Whey do we think that?

1. All the past pandemics came from animals, not a lab.

2. There was a different version of SARS that evolved about 15 years earlier and it was traced to animals.

3. The German expert fellow whose lab created the PCR test, said that if he were to do engineering, he'd get rid of X first, and that is glaring, so he doesn't think it was created in a lab.

4. We have had lab leaks of viruses before. They were squelched. We knew and admitted they were lab leaks. No one doubts it.

5. Faucci doesn't know everything that is going on in all of the authorized expenditures. He asked his staff if gain of function research was going on and they said no. The GOF that was going on doesn't meet the technical definition of GOF research, so his staff wazs telling the truth to him as they knew it.

6. The floor swabs of the suspected animal stalls were finally tested and they contain animal and Covid19 traces. So at or very near the time of initial spread, Covid19 was present there.

So a reasonable person would come to a conclusion that it's highly likely to come from animals, while there is an outside chance it was created in a lab, but they wouldn't speak in terms of absolute certainty.

SNIP Confirmation bias is the tendency to search, interpret, and recall information in a way that aligns with our pre-existing values, opinions, or beliefs. It refers to the ability to recollect information best when it amplifies what we already believe SNIP

When you speak about this subject you throw off huge "tells" such as: You don't even need to be smart to figure this out anymore.

It is irrefutable and giant is awake.

You are not a giant. It isn't irrefutable. You need to be both smart *AND* disciplined. It doesn't occur to you that you don't have discipline as you leap into the comfortable conclusion bias pool, where, surrounded by other people agreeing with your confirmation bias, you affirm that you are smarter than all of those doubter sheeple. It's comfortable, but not disciplined, to think you are smarter than all those sheeple.
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